Winter Hatch.... maybe


10 Years
Jan 25, 2015
North Carolina
I have a young game that went broody 3 weeks ago. I decided since we really haven't had a really cold winter (Western NC) I would go ahead and give her some eggs. Due to her being small and it being winter I only gave her 4 eggs. Early this week marks 3 weeks and of course now we decide to have a colder winter than in the past few years. I have noticed the last few days she has pulled the straw in the nest box up all around her closer. Today she hasn't came off the nest at all. Yesterday I put a pet heat mat in a 5 gallon bucket on its side. Also I put lots of straw around the bucket. If she actually hatches will she use the heat mat to help keep the babies warm ? Also concerned about their water freezing if we have days below freezing all day. Anyone have anymore advice that might would help.
A hen will keep her chicks warm. They'll venture out to get food and water and run back under her to warm up. She may use your nest you made though too, but the heater isn't really necessary while she's taking care of them.

You could use that pet heater, a hand warmer, or a hot water bottle under the waterer, just make sure it's not tippy. You can put rocks or marbles in the waterer for the first few days so they don't accidentally drown.
Mother hens are amazing at taking care of their babies and will guide them to warmth when needed.

For the freezing water issue, you might want to check the water a couple times a day during freezing temps. Trust mama hen's instincts!
Hi- I was wondering how it was working out? I’m in WNC too, Waynesville. I have a mixed flock of 15 hens and 2 (unplanned) roosters. I recently found someone who humanely “processes” their birds and will take any young unwanted Cockerels so am finally planning to allow a broody to hatch- after several years of not letting them…naturally I am expecting that they will ALL decide this isn’t the year, of course!
Well it worked out fairly well. Two eggs hatched but one of the babies was dead when I found out she had hatched. The other one is doing great. She wouldn't use the pet heat mat in the bucket but when I got her out of the nest she used the straw on the ground to make a pretty deep nest in and kept that little baby under her. Our coldest night here was 4°. Since she wasn't using the heat mat I used it to set the water on and she has had water the whole time. The baby is now 3 weeks old and unfortunately one of these days I think its gonna crow. :rolleyes: After this is one of my bigger hens went broody in the middle of winter I wouldn't be afraid to give her eggs and let her hatch them. BTW I'm in the foothills just below Boone so your probably a little colder than me.

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