Winterwolf4's 2025 Hatching Season

For hatch #1 I had 7/9 eggs hatch that were viable. The 10th egg was either unfertilized or quit growing at only 1 or 2 days.


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That’s so exciting! Did the two marans hatch? They would be sex linked right because of the cuckoo hens? Is your second batch all lav ameraucana eggs? So fun 🥰🥰🥰
That’s so exciting! Did the two marans hatch? They would be sex linked right because of the cuckoo hens? Is your second batch all lav ameraucana eggs? So fun 🥰🥰🥰
Hi, I had only 1 Maran eggs hatch. But I think it is female since there is no white circle on the head.
This is my 2nd lavender Ameraucana hatch of the year. But I hatched them last year too.

My 2nd batch is all lavender Ameraucana eggs.
2/13/25: my 2nd hatch of the year was great! 14/15 eggs that were viable hatched. Egg number 16 either quit growing at the beginning or was not fertilized. My little chicks are adorable. However I may invest in a hatcher, because 15 eggs in a Nuture right 360 is just too many to hatch. 2 of the eggs got knocked around and after trying to hatch. They tried for about +12 to 24 hours and my husband had to help them, otherwise the 2 chicks would have died.
Hatch #3: I have 10 Lavender Ameraucana eggs in the incubator that will Hatch Feb. 21st or Feb. 22nd.

I currently have 38 chicks in brooders right now. 24 of those will go to the growout pen March 14th at 6 weeks.
Then the chicks from Hatch #1 and the ones I bought will go to the coop at 8 weeks.

We have the following:
20 Lavender Ameraucana chicks
4 Black Copper Marans
4 Rhode Island Reds
4 Barred Rock
3 Mottled Javas
2 Buff Orpingtons
1 Cuckoo Maran x Lavender Ameraucana cross

I definitely plan to keep the Lavender Ameraucana chicks, along with the Cuckoo x Lavender cross. I also think I might keep the Black Copper Marans if their temperament is nice. Currently our Black Copper Marans are a little flighty and a little mean. I am not sure why. However our Lavender Ameraucana chicks are the sweetest ever. I would like to think it is because their parent stock has good temperment.
Hatch #3: 6/10 eggs made it to lockdown. 1 quit growing early. And the other 3 were not fertilized.


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