Wondering what sex my chicks are?


In the Brooder
Jul 23, 2024
My chicks are 3 and 4 days old now :)
I’m wondering if they’re both girls?

The yellow one (Nyx) is 4 days old, and the brown one (Thea) is 3 days old.
Nyx seems to be developing a lot faster from the looks of it. Bigger wings and the start of a tail so early means a girl right?


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Yes, when they are 5 weeks old post photos of each. One close-up showing comb and wattle development for Silverbirds reasons. I also like a photo showing the legs and posture. A boy typically has heavier legs and an upright posture compared to the girls.

Sometimes it is very clear at five weeks of age. Sometimes it is not. I had one I thought was a girl until he was four months old, a really slow developer. The more information you can give us the better chance we have of getting it right.
Thank you! That helps a lot.
I wasn't able to get very good pictures because ipad cameras aren't very good, and they kept running away from me xD

The biggest things I've noticed so far is that they just have really large wings for how old they are, and their tails are starting to grow in

I'll post pictures when they get older :D

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