Wry Neck - help!


In the Brooder
Sep 16, 2023
Hi, I found one of our hens with her head crooked to the side a couple days ago, she’s about five months old. I’ve been giving her supplements with E, helping her eat and drink when I can, giving scrambled eggs. But I’m not sure she’s getting enough bc her crop doesn’t feel full.
I know it hasn’t been very long, but we’ve seen no improvement. I’m not sure it’s worse, but not better. I don’t see any injuries, no swelling or weirdness on her face, no respiratory symptoms. I didn’t see any evidence of mites though she does kind of keep pecking at a spot on her chest. She doesn’t really seem sick otherwise. She can mostly walk around and peck at things unless she gets flustered and then she’ll walk backwards and fall over. Any ideas?
I have a video too but I’ll have to figure out how to add it if that’s helpful


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Hi, I found one of our hens with her head crooked to the side a couple days ago, she’s about five months old. I’ve been giving her supplements with E, helping her eat and drink when I can, giving scrambled eggs. But I’m not sure she’s getting enough bc her crop doesn’t feel full.
I know it hasn’t been very long, but we’ve seen no improvement. I’m not sure it’s worse, but not better. I don’t see any injuries, no swelling or weirdness on her face, no respiratory symptoms. I didn’t see any evidence of mites though she does kind of keep pecking at a spot on her chest. She doesn’t really seem sick otherwise. She can mostly walk around and peck at things unless she gets flustered and then she’ll walk backwards and fall over. Any ideas?
I have a video too but I’ll have to figure out how to add it if that’s helpful

Yes, I think it has everything except b12
What supplement are you giving?

I'd give the individual vitamins. You can find these at Walmart, CVS, etc.

400IU Vitamin E and 1/4 tablet B-Complex along with a little egg daily to help with the uptake of E.

Your B-Complex should contain B1 (Thiamine) which you are mainly looking for to treat Wry Neck symptoms, B1(Thiamine) compliments the Vitamin E. It should also contain B2 (Riboflavin) which is for leg health. Sometimes B Complex may have B12(Cobalamin) which is fine to have as well, it can help with metabolic processes.

She's checking on a spot at her chest/breast, can you see if there's anything there, lice/mites, an ingrown feather, some type of injury?

If she not eating very well, you can try tube or syringe feeding her at least once a day or you can torpedo feed her to see if that helps.

For video, upload to YouTube and provide a link or you can upload to the gallery on BYC, be sure to provide a link for that.

Here's how to use the Gallery. https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/how-to-upload-videos-to-the-gallery.1631126/
What supplement are you giving?

I'd give the individual vitamins. You can find these at Walmart, CVS, etc.

400IU Vitamin E and 1/4 tablet B-Complex along with a little egg daily to help with the uptake of E.

Your B-Complex should contain B1 (Thiamine) which you are mainly looking for to treat Wry Neck symptoms, B1(Thiamine) compliments the Vitamin E. It should also contain B2 (Riboflavin) which is for leg health. Sometimes B Complex may have B12(Cobalamin) which is fine to have as well, it can help with metabolic processes.

She's checking on a spot at her chest/breast, can you see if there's anything there, lice/mites, an ingrown feather, some type of injury?

If she not eating very well, you can try tube or syringe feeding her at least once a day or you can torpedo feed her to see if that helps.

For video, upload to YouTube and provide a link or you can upload to the gallery on BYC, be sure to provide a link for that.

Here's how to use the Gallery. https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/how-to-upload-videos-to-the-gallery.1631126/
I started out giving her a vitamins and electrolytes mix bc that was all I had. And eggs once a day. I tried putting vitamin e on the eggs and she wouldn’t eat them. I went to go get nutri drench but that didn’t have b12, so I got poultry cell, which may have been a mistake. Because today she is looking a lot worse though her crop was definitely full last night.
I can’t find any lice or mites or an injury but I did give ivermectin anyway just in case.
Not sure how I’m going to give her a b tablet but I’ll try.

It seems like her side wattles (do those have a name?) near her ears are turning white? Is that indicative of something? Her comb and under wattles seem normal though?
I tried putting vitamin e on the eggs and she wouldn’t eat them. I went to go get nutri drench but that didn’t have b12, so I got poultry cell, which may have been a mistake. Because today she is looking a lot worse though her crop was definitely full last night.
I can’t find any lice or mites or an injury but I did give ivermectin anyway just in case.
Not sure how I’m going to give her a b tablet but I’ll try.

It seems like her side wattles (do those have a name?) near her ears are turning white? Is that indicative of something? Her comb and under wattles seem normal though?
I don't mix the pills, I give them directly. Pull down on her wattles to open the beak, pop a pill in and let her swallow. Repeat until the pills are done.

I'm sorry she's getting worse, sometimes depending on the cause of the Symptom called Wry Neck, it can take weeks to resolve, if at all. Common causes are disease like Marek's, head/neck trauma and sometimes deficiencies. Vitamin therapy is the common method of treatment for this Symptom.

Photos of the ears if you have them, likely it's normal color bleed that you see in birds that are hybrids.

Work on getting fluids into her. Wet soupy feed may be good to give, you can try holding her head to see if she's able to eat/drink on her own or spoon feed her?


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