Hi, I found one of our hens with her head crooked to the side a couple days ago, she’s about five months old. I’ve been giving her supplements with E, helping her eat and drink when I can, giving scrambled eggs. But I’m not sure she’s getting enough bc her crop doesn’t feel full.
I know it hasn’t been very long, but we’ve seen no improvement. I’m not sure it’s worse, but not better. I don’t see any injuries, no swelling or weirdness on her face, no respiratory symptoms. I didn’t see any evidence of mites though she does kind of keep pecking at a spot on her chest. She doesn’t really seem sick otherwise. She can mostly walk around and peck at things unless she gets flustered and then she’ll walk backwards and fall over. Any ideas?
I have a video too but I’ll have to figure out how to add it if that’s helpful
I know it hasn’t been very long, but we’ve seen no improvement. I’m not sure it’s worse, but not better. I don’t see any injuries, no swelling or weirdness on her face, no respiratory symptoms. I didn’t see any evidence of mites though she does kind of keep pecking at a spot on her chest. She doesn’t really seem sick otherwise. She can mostly walk around and peck at things unless she gets flustered and then she’ll walk backwards and fall over. Any ideas?
I have a video too but I’ll have to figure out how to add it if that’s helpful