Wry neck treatment not working

As soon as I say my chickens are doing great despite the MD and MG one gets sick. Eggers, literally the next day.

Then today I say she is doing better and wouldn’t you know she came in with a soft crop (mostly water I think (I did see her drinking on the way to the coop) and is not interested in eating her mash nor egg. Praying the night goes well with some comfy air conditioning and she is back on track tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow I’ll bring her inside during the hottest part of the afternoon to cool off since it was quite hot today. Maybe she wasn’t ready for that yet.

Eggers is still trucking along. She cannot roost or dustbathe. She still has wry neck so I give her b complex daily. She has learned to come to the back door at night to be brought in, which could cause issues when hockey starts back up soon.

I’m not sure how long this can last but she is still eating, drinking and foraging with the flock all day and seems quite comfy sleeping inside. Her long time friend, and top hen, keeps an eye on her so there have been no issues this far of bullying. It’s quite endearing to see actually. When I bring her out in the morning I call Esther over and she watches over Eggers as she gets her bearings and some mash.

If anyone has ever dealt with something similar I’d love to know the outcome.
Last update:

Eggers did not improve. She was able to free range with her flock during the day and would come to the back door at roosting time to be brought inside to sleep all night.

We euthanized her when she was slower to get up and moving in the morning.

Since she was DS’s favorite (after Pinky who we lost 2+ years ago) he asked for her to be cremated with ashes returned to which I happily obliged. Yes, we are that weird family who has a shelf with the ashes of our past pets🤷🏼‍♀️
Last update:

Eggers did not improve. She was able to free range with her flock during the day and would come to the back door at roosting time to be brought inside to sleep all night.

We euthanized her when she was slower to get up and moving in the morning.

Since she was DS’s favorite (after Pinky who we lost 2+ years ago) he asked for her to be cremated with ashes returned to which I happily obliged. Yes, we are that weird family who has a shelf with the ashes of our past pets🤷🏼‍♀️
:hugsI'm sorry to hear about Eggers.

Thank you for giving an update.

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