Wyandotte - Pullet or cockerel?


In the Brooder
Aug 16, 2023
Nashville, Tennessee
Novice chicken owner here! I bought a straight run of 12 from a school livestock program at 6 weeks. They're now 15 weeks. Assorted variety.

Is this Golden Laced Wyandotte a pullet or a cockerel? It's HUGE compared to my other pullets but the comb/waddles are not nearly as pronounced as 2 of the birds I know are cockerels.

Note: I have one Blue Laced Red Wyandotte that is ABSOLUTELY a cockerel and one Barred Rock that's a cockerel as well (you can see them in the pics for reference).

Thanks in advance!


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She's not a golden wyandotte either (pretty pullet, btw). She's also a blue laced red. The blue coloring is a bit weird. It's a restrictIon of black. So a single copy of the gene makes the blue coloring, other gene is black. When BOTH genes are the restricted black, you get the splash colors. Breeding 2 blues together gets a 50% chance of blue, 25% chance of black, 25% chance of splash. If you breed your cockerel with her, 100% of the babies will be blue. Breeding him with anything else except more splash will produce blue offspring also. Some will have color leakage from his red and/or the mother's plumage. Breeding her to any other roo will pull the black color.

This hen's father was a blue laced red wyandotte with the splash markings. Her mother was an olive egger with very thin barring (black, extra fine white stripes). The hen's full brother turned out red, white, and blue barred.

(not all the babies are from her eggs, but the 2 black chicks are... with the black gene rather than the restricted one)

BBS (blue, black, splash) genes do fun things.
She's not a golden wyandotte either (pretty pullet, btw). She's also a blue laced red.
If you breed your cockerel with her, 100% of the babies will be blue.

If the pullet is blue laced red, and the cockerel is splash laced red, than breeding them will give 50% blue laced red chicks and 50% splash laced red chicks. (blue x splash = 50% blue and 50% splash)

The only way for the cockerel to produce 100% blue laced red: breed him to a black laced red female. (black x splash = 100% blue)

BBS (blue, black, splash) genes do fun things.
I agree. For some reason, the part I like best is that it changes the color of the lacing (the black around the edges of the feathers goes to blue or splash) but does not change the red color in the middle of each feather.
If the pullet is blue laced red, and the cockerel is splash laced red, than breeding them will give 50% blue laced red chicks and 50% splash laced red chicks. (blue x splash = 50% blue and 50% splash)

The only way for the cockerel to produce 100% blue laced red: breed him to a black laced red female. (black x splash = 100% blue)

I agree. For some reason, the part I like best is that it changes the color of the lacing (the black around the edges of the feathers goes to blue or splash) but does not change the red color in the middle of each feather.
My initial thought was she was black laced red....after posting, looked again...she's blue so yes, you're correct

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