wyandotte question


In the Brooder
Jun 5, 2016
Wanted to ask about the dark line on the face
Is it possible for a wyandotte to have it?

Thanks a lot
It's amazing how much color changes from chick down to juvenile feathers to adult plumage. That line will be gone here shortly as she matures.
That was a newbie question... Learning more every day. Thank you all very much
donrae, you think its a girl?
Thats a pic of my new wyandottes and a blue marans
the marans is a girl, but can you tell the wyandotte?
I belive that thw white is a girl, a dark one without the stripe on the head is a boy, and hopefully the chick with the stripe is a girl... But Im not sure about that

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The only way we learn is by asking questions. You've definitely got one Wyandotte cockerel for sure "the one on the left". The one in the center I'd say is a pullet. The one on the right...need a closer picture....I'm on the fence on it.
The bird you are not sure about is in the first pic in this post,
If that is not enough, what part should I photograph?

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