yellow cochin chick with three black spots??


In the Brooder
6 Years
Feb 24, 2013
My exotic/rare/extra chick is yellow, with three black spots two on back, one on back of neck/head. He has feathered feet....what will his color be when mature?? I call him fluffyspots right now lol.
a picture would help
Not sure how to add a he has a yellow/pink beak...yellow legs w yellow feathers, my correction one black spot on back one black spot on back/top of head. Lol. I have a pic but can't post??
How many toes does he have? Our free exotic was this little guy:

He is a Salmon Favorelle. You can tell by his fifth toe and muff. He has a spot on his back just like yours looks like it does.
Deerling, how old is your chick now? Any updated pics or do you know what his coloring will be once matured? My boy has the same dark tipping on wings coming in.
He's about a week older than in that picture, I'll load an updated one for you :) he's still mostly yellow fluff, but his wings are coming in darker. I think that you can tell the gender by the color their wings come in, I'll find a link for you when I'm not on my phone.
I think I spelled the breed name wrong (I always do!), but here is a link to pictures of Salmon Faverolles They're so lovely! I'm really excited.

Here's a video about sexing them:
. It sounds like they really have to be at least two weeks old before you can tell for sure, as the girls will have some black feathers this early, too.

There are some newer pictures of him.

I also found these two threads interesting and think they'll be helpful in the next week or so! It's funny how alike all the little Salmon Faverolles look. They're so cute.

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