Young Barred Rock lethargic, diarrhea, shell-less egg


In the Brooder
May 20, 2024
Zeebie, my 20 week old Barred Rock, is suddenly not well this morning. She's normally a fast and feisty bird but she came out of the coop very slowly this morning, has been walking around slowly with her tailfeathers down, and seems to be having some diarrhea.

Last night I noticed a blob of clear goop near the feeder and I thought it looked like raw egg white. It was weird but the chickens all seemed well, and it was getting dark, so I threw a handful of hemp bedding on it to soak it up and closed up the coop for the night.

This morning I saw what looked like an egg yolk on the floor between the roosting bars.

My other two hens who are currently laying have already laid their usual eggs in the nesting box. Zeebie laid a normal egg yesterday, and she doesn't usually lay hers till late morning so I don't know yet if she'll lay a normal egg today.

Is it possible she produced an egg with no shell, and that's why she's not feeling well? (I assume this all came from her, since the 3 other chickens seem 100% healthy.)


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She's on an organic layer crumble with supplemental oyster shell available free choice. That's been her diet since she started laying. Her eggs are smallish, but she's only been laying a few weeks.

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