Young chick found listless on her side, head lolled back, unable to move

Broodys may not accept chicks. I was successful once in sneaking six 2 day old chicks under a broody hen who only had one egg hatch. I did it one at a time in the dark, and stayed with her to watch her behavior. She did great and raises all 7 chicks. You never know what they will do. I have had broodys try to kill their own. Sorry for your loss.
These were a few days old when I gave them to the broody, and they were totally fine together for a full day. It was only these 2
I'm sorry that it didn't work out.

Sometimes a broody may accept chicks for a little while but change her mind. Possible the broody rejected them and they got too cold or didn't eat.

Also possible both had something else going on and failed to thrive.

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