Your weird Onyx (Attempt at lap laying?)


Aug 22, 2022
Sitting there outside on our porch one of my Australorps Onyx was acting weird. She was making rapid clucking and she kept trying to cuddle up to me. Getting on my lap, circling me even at one point sticking her head up the back of my shirt. She was just acting friendlier than usual. I fed them all a treat to count birds thinking maybe something happened cause I at first noticed 2 birds missing. She kept acting weird despite finally locating the two missing. And then she started to squat a bit. I started walking to the coop with her following and just before we got there she laid an egg in the driveway! Was she trying to lay an egg in my lap? Is that why she was overly friendly?

I mean out of all the 4 shes one of the two I give alot of attention to. She does this weird scream/growl at our screen door its entertaining to sit there talking to her cause shes pretty vocal compared to the others. But she not as friendly as our buff orpington Rosemary who will jump up on our laps and let us hold and pet her.

How often does that sort of thing happen where one decides to honor someone with a lap egg? Its just soo weird lol I didn't realize it until she actually laid the egg that was the reason for her weird behavior. Now shes off ignoring me foraging like it never happened lol
Occasionally a pullet will become super friendly and talkative before they start to lay. Generally a week or two. Maybe your hen is feeling motherly from her hormones surging. Hopefully you will see the first egg soon.

Some pullets get aggressive, so I prefer the ones that behave a bit nicer.
Occasionally a pullet will become super friendly and talkative before they start to lay. Generally a week or two. Maybe your hen is feeling motherly from her hormones surging. Hopefully you will see the first egg soon.

Some pullets get aggressive, so I prefer the ones that behave a bit nicer.

It's not her first egg which is why it was weird lol We have 8 confirmed layers out of 10.

Overall it was adorably weird that she was acting that way but I would prefer her to not see me as a place to lay her eggs lol.

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