Zipping Issue


May 4, 2022
SE Texas
Hey guys, I'm at a lost on what to do.

I have a batch of 2/6 eggs hatching. One hatched yesterday while the other one is in the middle of zipping. The thing is the zipping started around 6-7hrs ago. There has been no progress for the past 3-4hrs. I noticed is it has not one, but TWO holes somehow. I assume its due to the other chick kicking it around like a soccer ball. It wiggles a lot and still peeps/reacts when I tap the incubator.

I'm debating on what I should do since its currently 1AM.
> Take out the chick and assist hatch the egg. I'm worried the chick might starve/dehydrate since its been 2 days.
> Take out the chick and leave the egg alone. I'm worried that it might get shrink-wrapped during the process of grabbing the chick. I was thinking misting warm water to help keep up humidity.
> Leave both the egg and the chick in the incubator overnight.

What are your guys thoughts?


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I would leave that zipping egg alone. It can take up to 24 hours for chicks to get from pip to hatch, but that one's going to be out sooner.

I would not mist. The humidity should be around 70% though.

The other chick(s) in the incubator will be fine for up to 72 hours so I just leave them in there. I'd just let this all go overnight and see what you have in the morning.

Congrats on the new chicks!
I left them both alone overnight as suggested. The chick is fine, but the one in the egg has made no progress since last night. Should I intervene now? It has been 17-18hrs since it started zipping. Should I wait awhile longer?

EDIT: I made the decision to go help it now. Wish me luck!
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UPDATE: I was able get the chick out of the egg without much issue. There was no blood vessels and the yolk was entirely absorbed. The membrane wasn't really dried out and it was still paper thin. I left the other half of the egg on its butt to kick out on its own, which it did in like 5mins. It's currently flailing around a lot inside the incubator.

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