Zipping issues.


In the Brooder
Apr 11, 2024
I am new to chickens. Our chick started pipping yesterday. It zipped half way through the egg during the night and hasn't made much progress in the last 10 or so hours. We are scared to assist. It's still moving and chirping. I'm not sure if we should do anything. This has been going on for about 30 hours.


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'after' they have a hole and it looks like they worked on it but it didnt go nowhere, 24 hours is about when you should assist, just peel slowly with the goal of opening the end and let them push out themselves .. if it starts to bleed stop, but it will likely need more help in a few hours once you initiate help like that ..
.. the trickier one is the guy that just pipped and cracked the shell, and most of the others zipped already .. theres a critical couple hours there that if hes peeping he needs only an airhole atm .. hard to spot those ..
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