Lind's Incubator -After looking at all of the great home made incubators on BYC and paying extra charges for small quantities of chicks. I decided I was going to get started and build my own incubator so that I can purchase hatching eggs and hatch my own babies..
2/15/2009 - I made two...
The Chick nursery
The nursery was new in 2007 and was built to raise chicks and also to house a broody hen when hatching. It has served us well brooding many many chicks. It measueres 3ft deep X 5 ft long and 2 ft high and is mounted on the wall in our barn at the right hight for easy...
The Silkie Chalet
After purchasing a few Silkies, I decided they needed a place of their own. They were getting along with the Standards, but the Standard Roo was a little big to be dancing with the little Silkie Hens. And of course since they are getting ther own house, build it bigger for a...
Lind's Hatcher -Made just like our incubator, this is a cooler that came had steaks shipped in it. This will be used for hatching while the incubator is used for days 1 - 18.
Foam Cooler - Free
PC Fan - Free from Friend
Fan Adaptor - Free from Friend
Hardware Cloth - Already Had
Butter dish...
Homemade Feeders
With three boys and lots of friends around, we go through the plastic buckets of cheese balls, pretzels, etc. I knew there had to be a use for them, so I went to the local Hardware store and purchased plastic Flower pot bottoms and a couple of nuts and bolts. I cut some...
My name is Ed. As a child I raised Japanese Bantam chickens and loved doing it. So as my three sons were growing up, I wanted them to experience the joy and responsibility of chickens. So we started on our journey of Backyard Chickens. But as many of you may have experienced, the boys really...
Lind's Candler -Well we built an incubator and a hatcher, we needed a way to Candle the eggs (See the development inside). This was vary inexpensive. Coffee can (Had), a light fixter ($1.89 Ace Hardware) and a extension cord ($1.29 Ace Hardware). It is working great even on dark Welsummer...
Barn House Chicken Housing - In this first picture, you will see the feed box with a hay rack over-top. I mounted two baskets (no longer used in the house)under his feedbox, which the hen's use as nests. This past summer, one of the Wheaten Ameracauna's brooded 6 eggs in the top nest box with...
I have three locations. The main chicken house, the Nursery and the Silkie Chalet.
The Main Chicken House
Even though we are zoned Agricultural and live on 4 acres, the lady who owned the farm and still lives in the main house established some standards. One of which is that each property is...