Chicken Math 101 – with Quiz!

Neat idea for an article! Hilarious and fun
Hilarious! 😂
I am WEEPING!!! 😂🐓😂🐓
Thank you for the heartwarming article!
I have scientifically and mathematically discovered I have no chickens and need some more ASAP! :D
I LOVED this article. I thought I have 9 but the name thing brings it down to about 5! Perfect number. (they sure poop like 13 hens) You should be an engineer with those equations!
Addendum : any extras you had to buy to make minimum are a 0, as well as the old girl broody we can't get rid of! Lol
What a heartwarming read. And can confirm most of these; the math is mathin’.
Thank goodness someone shared a link to this so I could be privileged to read it. What an utterly brilliant piece and so professionally written. I will share this with anyone who does not understand chicken math as this is undisputable proof! Well done!
Thank you esteemed colleague of the chicken university.
Hilarious and so true! All mine have names so I haven’t got any at all…
Sounds like time for more chickens!
Hilarious 😂. I have 4 hens, all named. They are all a part of the family, thus I have a flock of 😱
I love this article. It made me laugh and finally determine that my 9 chickens actually = 0 or 1 to show I have a chicken. They are all named 😂
:lau I'm so glad I'm not the only one who's chicken math is like this. We have 41 girls now...i think.
Brought a wonderful smile to my face to know that my chicken math is always correct!
:celebrateHilarious!! Hmm I have only two left atm and only one is laying.. I am thinking.. a flock of one?:confused:
This is GREAT!!! I told my husband that “I wanted 10 chickens….but if God wants me to have 20 chickens then 40 chickens it is!!” Now I have the math to prove it!
Also, the chickens that you you put for sale, but your husband/child said that you should hang on to “for a few more weeks” (code for: keep forever) don’t count in overall total.
This was very enjoyable and informative :jumpy :jumpy :jumpy
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#5 is a circular random reference and cannot be resolved, therefore has no numerical value.
and ANOTHER thing; In the state of NY it is ILLEGAL to sell LESS than 6 chicks. Add that to the number cruncher and see what comes out!
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Wonderful article ! It’s a great way for people to cheat on their math.
One thing I would add is that disabled chickens don’t count, since if you took the time, care, and effort to parent the hen/rooster, it is a part of the family!
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This is hilarious! Lot’s of fodder for future arguments lol
Hilarious! I am still chuckling. Very funny idea and nicely written. Thanks for the giggle!
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