How to treat sour crop and impacted crop and how to know which one you're dealing with

I always search to see if you have info when there’s a problem. Your article about a prolapsed vent immediately saved my hen, thank you, again!
I have a 16wk old EE, there is fowl pox going through some of my younger ones and perhaps her. Her comb looks crusty on the edges but no true blisters. She is leaking clear fluid out of her beak to the point her beard is saturated, moving a bit slow, eating but hanging in there. I read it could be sour crop which is what brought me here but I don’t see where you say that is a symptom. I’m stumped. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Any ideas? Her crop is super mushy not firm this evening.
If the fluid is leaking out of her nares, it may be a respiratory infection. Fluid leaking from her mouth would likely be associated with sour crop or impacted crop. Check her crop in the morning. If full and not empty as you would normally find it, then you probably are looking at a crop disorder needing treatment.
Thank you for this invaluable, clear and easy to understand advice. I have been following it for 3 weeks. My hen had; sour crop, an impaction and a pendulous crop all at once. I practiced all your suggestions in order, and this morning ,finally, her crop is 100% empty! It has taken 3 weeks but it has worked. I will continue to monitor her, but because of this page I now understand what I am dealing with. Many thanks.
Thank you so much for this article! Next time you have to address an impacted crop, I would LOVE a video!
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This article saved my butt so many times! it's well detailed and easy to understand. I appreciate this article so much, thank you!!!!!!1
very informative, my chickens will love you for it.
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Thank you for this article! it was very helpful when one of my hens had impacted crop.
Thank you so much for this valuable article. I have found this so helpful for what we are dealing with right now
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Excellent article. Very well explained and easy to understand.
Thank you so much for this article! I am on day 3 of the monistate and still my hens crop is not emptying. She is wanting to eat grit and sand. Could it be impacted gizzard? How do I help her if it is that? I am at my wits end.
Great article and information. Question is does this happen more in older chickens naturally or have you found it due more to non-free ranging chickens or maybe other reasons? Just wondering cause I have chickens my wife will make me keep forever because she has named them. LOL
It can happen to any chicken of any age, but it does occur more in older chickens since they usually have underlying helth issues contributing to the crop issues.
I've lost a hen to this in the past and it is frustrating when you don't know what to do. I'm grateful for your time, expertise, and detailed instructions. Free egg breakfast whenever you're in town!!!
awesome article!! altho i dont have this issue atm, it is very clear and gives lots of good, helpful, information about diagnostics.
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azygous helped me out a lot with our hen who suddenly developed symptoms of sour crop. Our rescue bird went downhill and I had no clue what it was. Treating for symptoms of sour crop, we were able to save our bird. Thank you for this article that every chicken keeper should bookmark,
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Thank you! I’ve never had a hen with this problem before now. The young Sussex I’ll be treating is one of my sweetest, and I hope she can recover.
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Thank you for such a clear post that is understandable. I'm going over to the shops as soon as they open and start treatment this morning. :)
Very helpful, thanks.
Super helpful. Thank you!!
Really helpful guide
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Great information.
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Terrific knowledge, used the oil on my girl tonight. Hope she makes it. Your story was lovely
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