The Platform Ducks - from zero to duck in an instance!

Beautiful coop I love how you reused things like window shades.
I enjoyed every minute of this article It is well photographed at every step and easy to understand how to do something similar, thanks
Very good! I love the ducks house and run! The only things I don't like are:

1. You used chicken wire. ?
2. The ducks have a wooden floor.
Wow you sound just like me how I got into the ducks! Lolololol I love your article and love the duck digs!! Very nice place!
It put a smile on my face instantly. It was like ready a fairy tale. I love your duck house. I've been planning a chicken coop and run for a new house I just bought with my husband, but he wants 2 ducks also. So, I'm starting my duck research. :)
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Love the pictures too!
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This was an enjoyable and informative article!
Such a great story behind the guy who broke his leg. Love those ducks!!
Well, thank you from the Duckies and me!
The pictures are excellent, but the commentary is even better! This is a wonderful example of a work-in-progress where we learn as our charges grow ... and we have to adapt to meet their needs. Well done ... but keep us posted as they grow, you learn ... and we benefit, too ... Please?
Don't worry, i will update this article as soon as my left foot will fit into a rubber boot again.
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