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  • Several years ago you asked about ovarian cancer and watery bowel movements with dark green droppings. Did you ever figure it out? Asking because my 9 year old hen is having the same issues. Just trying to figure out how to move forward.

    *I’ll add to say if you drain for ascites do it very slowly. It can cause a drop in blood pressure (the chicken gets used to a certain amount of fluid buildup even though it’s not good for the bird). Additionally, vets can prescribe Rx furosemide 20 mg (1/2 tab in morning, 1/2 tab at night) to prevent fluid build up from getting worse (and possibly get better). It’s a diuretic that’s also used for humans.
    *Also, it’s a good idea to try feeding pellets or crumbles with water (“mush”) to help things move more easily through. If there’s a tumor, swelling, or fluid build up, the digestive system will be under stress. You can feed “mush” indefinitely. Also provide grit.
    Sorry so many comments, but if you’re anything like me, you like know all you can! I keep thinking of other details.

    I said my hen didn’t have a clear diagnosis, but that’s not entirely true. An ultrasound revealed what the vet called “egg like structures” and a year later what they guessed was a tumor. The tumor is much more recent. She seems happy, so we’ll care for her as long as we can! 💛
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