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  • Okay.. I had to ask… do you bake/love cinnamon rolls? My mom makes a lot of Cinnabons and pumpkin cinnamon rolls.
    I just had to ask because I wanted a fellow cinnamon roll lover! 😂😂😂😭😭😭♥️♥️♥️😂😂😂
    First add heavy cream or whole milk into the bottom of the pan, and put the cinnamon rolls in like normal. Bake it far a little less time than the package says, like 10 or so minutes. Than take out the icing from the package and add twoish tablespoons of cream cheese, and mix it together. Sometimes it needs milk to thin it a bit but most time it doesn’t. Use that to frost it and you have the easiest Cinnabons ever!
    Cinnamon Roll
    That sounds great, thank you!
    It’s actually really good! Following you back finally lol, I had bad device and I would let me post, but not follow. Idk why! 😒
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