

The Marans, or French, Poule de Marans, is a French breed of chicken from the port town of Marans, in the département of Charente-Maitime, in the Poitou-Charentes region of western France.
mystic marans
Pros: very pretty dark brown eggs, friendly
Cons: lays really big eggs, which can cause the hen to become egg bound
I've only had one maran, she was a mystic maran. She was very sweet, laid huge dark brown eggs, had a big build, although not overweight. I don't remember her much because she died a long time ago. I think she probably died because she got egg bound.
Purchase Date
March 2019
Cuckoo Marans
Pros: Dark brown eggs

Not a bully

Very beautiful
Cons: Can go broody (good or bad)

A little skittish

Near bottom of pecking order
I love the cuckoo marans, Kiki. She’s pretty sweet, but a little skittish. Right now she went broody for the first time.
Her eggs are currently my favorite in the basket, though they’re not super dark brown. (Attached picture is of my EE, Australorp, and Marans egg)

Overall, I would recommend. In my experience, can be a little skittish, but I still love Kiki to pieces, even if she doesn’t like to be held.
Purchase Price
Purchase Date
March 2020


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Pros: Enjoy those dark brown eggs, overall a nice bird
Cons: Not the most productive hens, dark brown is only consistent at the beginning
I really wanted to add dark brown egg layers to my little flock. They are a pretty bird with a fairly even temperament. The first eggs were very dark & they lay quite well. But they didn't have a very long laying spell for a first year chicken. They quit entirely for the winter & are slow to get going in the spring. The dark egg definitely gets lighter & never gets as dark as the 1st summer again... but still darker than the average brown layer. I haven't decided whether to get them again mostly because I find them not terribly productive even at about a year old & that the really dark initial eggs never get that dark again.
Overall.. would recommend trying them for a little colour in your egg basket.
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I have a few Australorps and they lay brown eggs, winter is just ending and they laid the whole winter, you could try these breeds. They are really good. They've stayed darker brown the whole time!
Pros: Docile, healthy, good flock member. Faithfully & reliably lays 1 large brown egg per day.
Cons: None at all.
Just a great little addition to any flock. Gets along with other flock. Hasn’t missed a day since she started laying to present me with a darkish brown egg. That’s at least 6months now. I love Betty!
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Pros: Dark brown eggs, a potential show breed, doesn't destroy grass, better egg layers than I expected.
Cons: The hens are bullies to smaller chickens, embryo development during incubation is difficult to detect.
Black Copper Marans are one of the nicest breeds I have owned so far. They lay extra large dark brown eggs but gradually get lighter as the hen's age increases. I also get 5 double yolks from 3 hens each month by my best evaluation. The hens and rooster are easy to catch and don't mind being touched. They are far more docile than my easter eggers. I have also kept the rooster with only 2 hens and he doesn't overbreed at all. He always feeds the hens and chicks and takes well care of them and has been acting like this since he was only 6 months. They are so non destructive for some odd reason, they don't eat the grass. I actually had taken such enthusiasm in this breed that I commenced a breeding program.

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Rooster. (Molting Pic)
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Purchase Price
Purchase Date
October, 2017
Pros: Egg color and shape. Temperament.
Cons: Eggs can be difficult to hatch. Not most productive hens.
My venture into Marans started in 2009 after stumbling across some egg photos on the internet. Quickly I convinced my parents i need this breed. They surprised me with 25 cuckoo Marans pullets for Christmas.

My research quickly made me realize that these pullets had a very slim chance of giving me the egg color I desired. Before these pullets had even reached point of lay I found a guy who bred Blue and Black Copper Marans. I purchased 6 chicks from him and they quickly grew and were producing beautiful eggs I desired.But still that hadn’t been enough. While I was picking up my chicks he had shown me his flock, he had happened to have 1 Wheaten Marans hen. I was obsessed she was so beautiful, and the photos of the black and orange roosters next to the lovely wheaten colored hens made me realize I needed and wanted to breed Wheaten Marans.

I now have a gorgeous flock of Wheaten Marans. They are productive enough for my needs 3-5 eggs a week and while not as dark as some strains of the BCM they still produce gorgeous eggs. I also love the shape of the egg which is not always mentioned, both ends of the eggs are rounded making it difficult to determine the bottom from the top. This egg shape makes it hard to determine where the air sac is, which can make it difficult for incubation. The extra layer of pigment can also affect incubating successfully.

Personality is great I don’t raise them as pets so I don’t need birds that want to sit on my lap, but I would say they are far from flighty. They are calm birds who will come up to me looking for treats when I go out to the pen, but quickly lose interest and leave when I do not have any. They are descent foragers who are happy to free range or be confined. The hens have never shown aggression to each other beyond establishing the pecking order. I’ve only had one or two hens go broody. Only one hen successfully hatched a clutch (they were duck eggs and she was a great mom). All the other times a bird went broody moving her to a private pen to sit on her clutch always broke her brooding. Roosters have never shown aggression towards me or any other human, but like all roosters they have shown aggression towards other roosters. They are also great with the hens I’ve never had them over breed any one of their hens.

Overall I’ve had a great experience with this breed and will always have them in my flock. My one piece of advice for anyone looking into this breed would be, do your research and aim for getting birds from a good breeder if you want the best chance for a dark egg layer. Also take the time to talk to the breeder about the tempermant of the birds and the quality of their stalk to make sure they are what you want.

Pros: Tolerant of confinement but do nicely free range. Large dark brown/terra cotta eggs, some with beautiful spots and flecks. Docile large breed. Great broody hens, excellent mothers!
These were the first ones in my incubator. I absolutely adore them. Beautiful inside - out!!!! Lovely personalities. Love the article.
Pros: Nice, likes to be held, quiet, beautiful
Cons: Gets picked on by other breeds, but that's not really the breeds fault...
Prettiest Hen I have
Love mine they are the best I have ever raised. They do go broody often. When not broody they lay about 4-6 eggs per week. They make amazing mothers. There egg shell are very durable/think. I love there dark eggs. But the darkness of the eggs will get lighter when they start to age.
Pros: Large, hardy bird. Lays at least average number of eggs.
Cons: The eggs aren't actually that dark. They don't lay as much as other breeds.
I was a bit disappointed in this breed. The eggs really aren't "dark", just a smidgen darker than our Rhode Island Red eggs. Sometimes you can't even tell the difference. And they don't lay as many eggs as our Orpingtons and Rhode Island Reds.
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Pros: Beautiful eggs
Cons: Not as friendly as my Orpingtons
Pros: Beautiful, talkative, some-what friendly
Cons: Flighty, can be loud, can be hard to handle
This bird is not for everyone. Especially not beginners or those who are afraid of birds. I have two Marans: a White Maran and a Cuckoo Maran. My White Maran is such a sweet heart. She does not like to be held for long periods of time, but she does love to sit on my shoulder. My Cuckoo Maran is very flighty and shy. She is scared of everything. She will not let me pick her up without a struggle. However, she loves to “talk” to me all the time. These are large birds so they often scare people when they fly away from them. They can be hard to handle. They are also very curious birds. I love my Marans, but they are not for everyone.
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Cons: Had a couple maran rooster. They were so aggressive.
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Pros: Large bird with beautiful large eggs, great foragers.
Cons: Not super productive layers
One of our all time favorites! Been breeding and selling them for around 5 years and they are an all around wonderful bird with one of the most impressive eggs in the chicken world. Not the most productive layers but not terrible either.


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Pros: Supposedly dark eggs, but mine weren't much darker than an orpington. The Roosters were gentle when I picked them up
Cons: Egg production not the best considering how much they eat. Egg shells not as dark as advertised.
This breed just wasn't for me, nothing special to look at, Eggs were not exceptionally great, they do not lay in abundance however they seem to eat a lot. They forage pretty well, but they don't seem to cover every inch of ground like other chickens do. I had the American or British version, not the feather legged French version which I get the feeling are much better, they cost most too.
Pros: GORGEOUS EGGS! Calm and friendly too
Cons: Not big layers over the winter, at least not up north
We absolutely love our Marans. We have black copper, splash and a few cuckoos. The black coppers lay the darkest eggs and our 1 splash lays the prettiest egg I get! It is ombre light to dark on the bottom with speckles throughout. I wish I had a dozen more of her with those eggs!!! LOL Our rooster is trustworthy with my 4 year old grandson and the hens will just come up and lay at your feet, peck out of your bucket. My grandson loves to feed them from the giant spoon we dish their food out with. 15032860_10210763603067353_4667800783082575451_n.jpg Batgirl1-2017.jpg
Pros: Lays LOTS of beautiful eggs, and a lovely looking chicken breed overall
Cons: Tends to have a more independent personality
Purchase Price
Purchase Date
Pros: Calm, friendly, beautiful, dark egg coloring, hardy
One of my top favorite breeds. They are just so sweet. They love getting hand fed treats! More laid back than other breeds. Their eggs are a beautiful dark color. Very inquisitive, great personalities!
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