
  1. CoastChick

    Lost toenail ? Injury question.

    I noticed My 4 month old EE “flamingoing” last week and inspected her feet. Looks like she lost a toenail and just the quick keeps getting bumped and then will bleed. I’ve been cleaning it up and using quikstop gel and vetericyn - I opted not to bandage it originally because I thought it would...
  2. Elspeth Dinsmore

    Speckled Sussex with Small Gash on Bottom, Red Skin, & Missing Feathers

    I have a Speckled Sussex hen, named Brynn, that is almost 10 months old. She weighs 5 lbs. 11.5 oz. About two months ago she began to lose feathers on her bum (my other SS also lost her bum feathers). Those feathers haven't grown back yet. I made a post when the problem originally happened and...
  3. M

    HELP!!! Baby Turkey - Pulled Umbilical Cord

    So, my husband brought home two baby turkeys last night. I pulled what I thought was crusted poop, but my husband explained it was the umbilical cord. The baby bled quite a bit, and I feel horrible. My husband put pressure on it and stopped the bleeding. Nothing came out other than what I have...
  4. ManOverBoard

    Pecked bleeding rump will she heal?

    Hey everyone! Our beloved Australorp x buff Orpington Lottie healed beautifully after having a prolapsed rump, however now a month or two later she's got trouble again. She came asking for help this morning when my husband noticed her bleeding backside. Our first thought was that she relapsed...
  5. T

    Just hatched chick had a bleed - protruding vent?

    My kids and I just hatched our second chick but when the chick finally got the bottom half of the egg off and broke free of the yolk sac cord there was some blood- appears to be coming from the vent or rear? Is this a protruding vent? Bleeding stopped very quickly but I’m worried about infection.
  6. A

    HELP! Duckling attacked by Rat

    Couple of hours ago i pulled a duckling out of a hole away from grasps of a rat. Bleeding alot, rinced with saline and separated plan to get blue spray asap tomorrow morning. Bleeding slowed but still not stopping no movement or strength In left leg but still alive surprisingly. Any advice and...
  7. C

    Couldn't Stop Bleeding

    Hello, This is not emergent. I took in a 10 week old crested cream leg bar last week. She had gotten hurt somehow and her owner didn't have the time to dedicate to her healing (which is completely okay, not knocking the owner at all). The injury was on the back of her neck, between the...
  8. C

    Help, baby chick with bleeding bottom

    I’m new to BYC, hello everyone. Please help, I cleaned one of my baby chicks because of his pasty butt (all my silkie chicks have it for some reason and constantly need a rinse while all my other chicks don’t) but this chicks pasty butt was harder than the rest in a shorter timeframe. When I...
  9. B

    Bruising /Damage? Call duck eggs

    There is some discolouration on this egg, and it looks like bruising Or bleeding? I think this is my fault. my incubator is not clear plastic it has a it if haze so I'm sorry the photos may not be the best quality. He internally pipped yesterday I gave a safety hole, I can hear him squeaking...
  10. AmyA248

    Mother Duck stepped on piped duckling before it was ready and baby was halfway out with bleeding and yolk sac still attached.. 😣

    Good afternoon to all, I hope everyone is enjoying a long awaited Spring. 💐 Anyway, as promised I have not intervened at all with my girl Taylor’s new clutch of 8 eggs. She has been taking wonderful care of her eggs and everything was looking great until this morning. I’ve been keeping a close...
  11. Heartsopenwide

    Stop bleeding

    What is the best product to stop bleeding? Valley Vet had multiple options.
  12. Zomestead

    HELP: Protruding and bleeding vent

    2 week old chick, had pasty butt for about a week, vent started protruding, but she began to poop and stopped getting pasty finally! Then, today, she was bloody around it. Pic of how I found her and after I gently cleaned her up (and her resting after). Put tiny bit of Vaseline on it. She...
  13. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Rooster's outer spur fell off and exposed quick won't stop bleeding

    My poor bantam roo has had a bad couple of days. He's been acting run down--I think because of a molt--and then yesterday afternoon I noticed that he had fully lost one of his spurs--only the inner stump (quick?) is left, and won't stop seeping blood. Yesterday, it looked as if it wasn't...
  14. DesertSilkieHen

    Bleeding toenail

    I (with help from an ornithologist) trimmed my month-old silkie's nail to collect a little blood for a DNA sex test. Afterwards, we held a cotton ball with corn starch on it for a few minutes till the bleeding stopped. Then the bleeding restarted so we held a fresh corn starch cotton ball on...
  15. J

    Head injury and head twitching

    I am hoping to get some help regarding the injury of my chicken. We have a single chicken that was given to us when it was a chick. Yesterday, one of my family members found the chicken in its coop was injured and it had blood near its eyes and on its head. I wasn’t present when it happened but...
  16. M

    Poor girl broke a nail! And it fell off!

    We were giving the birds some treats when we noticed a lot of red. Our polish frizzle dislodged a toenail and was losing a lot of blood. I scooped her up, brought her inside, gave her a quick foot bath, wrapped her in a towel, and while applying corn starch and pressure the claw actually came...
  17. D

    Vent/butt bleeding from excessive pecking.. help!

    These two turkey chicks had their vents absolutely destroyed by their turkey-chick-mates! Where do I even start? I separated them from others. I got the bleeding to stop with blood quick stopper. Now what?
  18. Puddingtheamericana

    Bloody falling apart eyeball, god help me

    update of wry neck chicken, she can walk around but still has the wry neck sometimes fumbles over. the otherday i noticed a bump like something in her eye, so i get a closer look kinding pulling at it thinking it’s like a bit of strawberry i just fed the chickens and i noticed, jeez, it’s a...
  19. G

    Roo's toe now bleeding

    In another post, I told how I thought my rooster toe had frostbite... maybe. (First pics) The toe tip was black underneath and the toe was swollen. I was content to let it do as it would and hopefully fall off. Update: It's been in the 40's to low 50's past few days, and I get home from work to...
  20. chickpeasoup

    Emergency! Chicken Bleeding From Nose

    My chicken is a 3 year old wyandotte who began acting strangely roughly 2 days ago. She's been lethargic, puffing out her feathers, and not eating properly. I have not been able to inspect her poop as of yet. The strangest symptom is blood coming from her nose, but there is no injury to her...
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