
  1. L

    Anyone grow daikon radish for their chickens?

    I heard daikon radish grows well where I live so I ordered some seeds. The plants did well but I planted them too late and they ended up starting to bolt. I didn’t like the bitterness so I gave some to my chickens, greens and all. It seems like it is their favorite treat just under mealworms...
  2. B

    New to the group and the chicken world

    Hello I’m Tiawna! I’m 33, live in California and new to owning chicks. I have 6 babies that are now about 8 days old :) 2 German shepherd dogs and some African dwarf frogs :) love animals and love organic gardening.
  3. T

    how many generations too see the color I’m looking for?

    Can I get the outcome I’m looking for in the 2nd year of breeding? If I were to breed a blue to a mottled what should I look for in the offspring? my other question would be if I were to breed the brother and sister would I get blue mottled chicks from them?
  4. Birdgrl1221

    Chickens randomly dying

    Hi everyone, this is my first flock so please take it easy on me. I was raised with game chickens so I am not brand new to the chicken world, but this is the first time I am on my own with a flock. I also raise parrots for a living so I do know a bit about the anatomy of birds and symptoms of...
  5. MamaPoult

    What color Brahma do you like best?

    Hi! So this year I decided to get into Brahmas!! I am going to get 18 pure Brahma chicks and I am so excited!! Hopefully I will get them tommorow if my Dad has time to pick them up🤞. So the gal has 5 different colored chicks and I was wondering which color you like the best? I am hoping to keep...
  6. Luckyhen006

    Questions about incubator

    Hello there. I just have some questions about my incubator and I was wondering if someone may be able to answer them? ➡This is our incubator, We last used it Spring of 2021, Filled most of the tray with eggs and most hatched with the exception of a few Losses. But anyways, Question #1 Does...
  7. Elspeth Dinsmore

    Chickens Losing Bum Feathers & Poopy Bums (Eight Months Old)

    Howdy! This is my first post on Backyard Chickens. I am a first time chicken keeper. I've learned a lot from other threads on this site. However, I haven't found an answer to my particular problem. I mail-ordered chicks (from Chickens for Backyards) back in July of 2023: three Buff...
  8. NewJourney

    Guess the dad: Barred Rock or Black Australorp on Sapphire Gem hens

    I was "sure" that by the time we incubated fresh eggs that the old rooster DNA should be GONE from the hens' oviducts... Well, now that they've hatched, I'm questioning if that's the case. LOL Here are some pics of our hatched chicks. Please help me figure out if the dad was a Black Australorp...
  9. M

    How soon will quail lay after my chckens start laying??

    Hey I wasn’t sure where to put this little question so I’m sorry if it’s not in the right place. But I was wondering how soon your quail lay after your chickens start (if you have both) My chickens just started laying here and there. Some are some are not but I just wanted to know what that...
  10. H

    ISO new home for 4 Silver Lakenvelders and 4 Rhode Island Reds! Located in Virginia!

    Hey! Looking to rehome 4 Silver Lakenvelders (egg production set. 200) and 4 Rhode Island Reds (egg production est. 265) They're all perfectly healthy and doing well! My daughter purchased these breeds without asking for permission and our coop is not big enough for 8 additional chickens. I...
  11. C

    Tales from the coop... Enjoy

    Okay, I wrote a poem summarizing an event that just took place in my life. Coop Duty+(alt. Spelling) by: Coventry Rhoads Have you ever... Inadvertently transferred... From the floor to a bag And from bag to pant leg Then, with a bend at the waist, to your arm And as your arm is outstretched...
  12. K

    Hello! I just joined...

    Hello everyone, I'm so happy I found you all. I do belong to FB pages, but I wanted something that also was not a fB page. I have 30 chickens in total, and 11 babies. I am specializing in mostly silkies and polish, but just found out I have 3 beautiful non-crowing boys in my coop of girls. Lol...
  13. TheLittleDreamFarm

    Chicks Hatched After 25 Days - Don't Give Up!

    First time hatching chicks from our backyard flock and started to give up after day 23 with not a single pip from our 6 eggs. I scoured online to see what went wrong and even opened a couple as suggested. One was formed but wasn't moving at all and one was breathing with its yolk sac still...
  14. J


    Hi there! I was wondering if any of you would be interested in mixed chickens; I surely am. Feel free to post your mixed chickens! I have one couple (brother and sister) that I got from a friend and they're the only mixed chickens I have at the moment. Their mother is Belgian Malines...
  15. T


    If I crossed a naked neck x cochin, is it better to cross the offspring with the nacked neck or the Cochin? Or should I cross the offspring together?
  16. J

    Quitters all the time

    Hi there, I’ve been having issues with quitters in my hen’s eggs for a third time now. We have a mixed flock with bantam Barnevelders and a Belgian chicken breed, our rooster is from the bantams. When my barnevelder became broody on eggs from both breeds, they all developed very well. Sadly...
  17. CluckkyKrista

    Share pics that make you smile!

    Hello all, It brings me joy to see pics of kiddos with their feathered friends. Please share your favourite pics and stories (with or without kids if you have them). Anything that warms your heart 🫶🏼 We can all use more of this in our feed :)
  18. MegTheHenEggQueen

    Forced molt?

    For the past 4 years I have used artificial light for an extra 3 hours or so after darkness for my chickens. Just started breeding quail last summer so they have been using artificial light since then. Starting this summer I’m going to stop using light however since I have used it for so long...
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