cochin bantam

  1. MasterOfAllChickens111

    Identify my Cochin please

    Can anyone please identify the gender of this Cochin bantam. Thanks.
  2. milli971

    Bantam buff cochin

    Need to find home for rooster. The new sounds that he's trying to sing sound close to the cock a doodle doo . He's been practicing in the morning . I cant have him. He's beautiful . Can anyone help me . I live in ashmore il .
  3. feathersandlace

    Really hoping these are pullets....any guesses?

    My newest flock members are 1 Blue Andalusian and 2 Cochin Bantams. They are all 6 weeks old and almost fully feathered. I see the tiniest bit of a comb on all 3 and only the cochins are just starting to show signs of wattle growth. My only concern is that someone said that they thought my BA...
  4. Relynn

    What kind of bantam am I??

    We bought this bantam in the mixed bantam section at our local feed store, we got her cause we thought that it was a Silver Laced Polish bantam, however she is looking more like a cochin or a brahma bantam. The color is throwing me off. Comet is 6 weeks old, and I think that Comet is a she. But...
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