coop and run

  1. What the cluck hut

    What the cluck hut

    Our coop... made from scratch.

    Check out my ultimate chicken coop/run!

    Hello, I am new to this site and wanted to share My coop. I am an engineer by day and think I did an ok job on my coop. I Designed and built this coop after a lot of planning and research. Tell me what you think! Please subscribe to my YouTube channel for future awesome engineering ideas...
  3. R


    HELLO! Can you PLEASE recommend a solar and remote light that I can put inside my 4x3 coop. Hens dont get enough light. They should be laying. I saw many lights on Amazon but virtually all were dim and most got some poor ratings. Most said that after a few days or weeks they stopped working...
  4. paradisepentacoop

    Finally, the Pentacoop is habitable (a work in progress)

    After two months of struggling through angles, borrowing saws, renting ladders, waiting out rain, etc the aviary style coop I envisioned for my chicks is ready for their move. The dome was inspired by a need for a chicken run combined with too hard of ground to put in posts easily. My yard is a...
  5. Rosekitten

    Coop designs (plan 6 to 8 chickens, lace cochin)

    Like the title says I'm looking to build a coop for 6 to 8 backyard chickens. My plan is to get lacr cochin so they'll be a bit bigger than average chickens. Now long term.. I know we plan to move in 4 or more years so I was thinking of trying to make the coop able to be taken apart again down...
  6. MrRaccoon

    First time coop. Critique my plans.

    Hi all :frow I am (soon to be) a first time chicken owner, and before we get any chicks, we are going to get a coop and run in place. We are planning on starting with chickens, and are hoping to add ducks (maybe next year). I am not sure what flock size we are going to want yet. At the moment...
  7. matthennessy

    Run space for 2 chickens

    Hey y’all, I have 2 black australorp hens in my backyard and they are currently in a 10x6 run with 2x3 coop. Although it’s said to have 10sq feet of space per bird, even having triple that with each of my birds getting 30 sq ft, they seem to always want more. Now I know this is normal and...
  8. Silkie Mike

    A store-bought coop in a 5x10 run

    I bought a coop at the local bargain outlet for $150. I put some locust posts up to make a 5x10 rectangle. Going to trade in the 3 foot fence for 5 foot fence tomorrow. They are just peeps so they are I just took they out to the coop for a couple hours, today. Otherwise, they are still inside...
  9. D

    Placement of Coop + Run in Backyard

    Hi all. I'm starting to plan for when my chicks move out into a coop, and just want to make sure I'm making the correct decisions in doing so. Would love some advice here. Here's all the context: I live in an urban area with a backyard that's half concrete and half grass. There's enough of...
  10. Cnjecker

    Our First Broody-Hatched Clutch!

    Hello all! Our girly just hatched 6/7 eggs (rejected the last one) and they’re up and walking about the coop. The other hens don’t seem to mind them and neither does the rooster, thank god!! My question is, our coop is raised off the ground by probably 2 feet or so with a ramp with small...
  11. Lauren84

    Can my ducklings sleep in their run?

    Hello all, I am a first time duck owner and my ducks are currently 7 weeks old( runner ducks) I have set them up a run and coop next to a pond that is between 2 buildings and is protected from predators. Must they sleep in the coop only or can they sleep in the run too where it is protected from...
  12. C

    Help my sis pick a spot for her coop!

    So, my sister lives in a small Florida suburb that allows backyard chickens, and she and her husband are considering keeping two or three. She's not sure about which breed, yet, but they want to keep them for eggs and fertilizer. The house in question has an unusual structure, specifically...
  13. Coopin Is a Habit

    Woods Open Air Coop Scaled Down (Can I do a 4 x 10?)

    Hello everyone! I am completely new to chickens and coop building as well as having minimal building experience. I am operating on a budget and have acquired a lot of free lumber to build a coop for my 8 ladies who grow significantly every day. I decided that Woods' Open Air Poultry House is the...
  14. 1dermaker1

    Question for other West Virginians

    Good morning Everyone!, This question is for West Virginians particularly in the Harpers Ferry/Martinsburg/Kearneysville area. I'm planning my coop and outdoor setup, but I'm just moving to the area (from Central Maryland) How would you describe our climate? Where I lived in Maryland Summers...
  15. Nellylee

    Chicks and Chickens Separated

    We sadly are only down to one laying hen so we decided to try again with more baby chicks. Would you suggest to still keep them (the laying hen and chicks) separate once it’s time for the chicks to come out?
  16. craig87c

    Trying to decide- repair/upgrade coop that came with the house or start from scratch?

    Hey everyone! Got my chicks purchased (six Rhode Island Reds) and now that it isn't -40F/C outside, I went to take a look at the coop that came with the house when I bought it a year ago. The run is about 10ft/3m by 11ft/3.3m, while the coop itself is TECHNICALLY about 8ft by 4ft. However, the...
  17. K

    New to chickens in Keezletown, VA

    Hi! I ordered baby chicks last week. They will arrive in April. That gives me just over 2 months to figure out what I’m doing, as I am new to chickens. Six female chicks were ordered: 2 - Black Australorp 2 - Amber Star 2 - Colombian Wyandotte If you live in or near Rockingham County, VA I...
  18. the_finch_family

    Duck coops!

    There's a whole section here for chickens coops, but I was wondering what everyone's duck coops look like, why they chose the construction they did, and how many ducks they house. 🦆 Would be really cool to just add onto the thread to show off our hard work! (Also really nice getting some...
  19. My Evolving Chicken Coop

    My Evolving Chicken Coop

    We got our first batch of seven chicks, from Tractor Supply, on April 23, 2022. We put them in a brooder we got from Tractor Supply as well. We then began preparing our coop. We had started by purchasing a Producer's Pride Defender Coop from Tractor Supply, and we set it up next to an existing...
  20. M

    Needing inspiration on attaching a run to this coop

    Hey everyone! I’m still researching and learning and plan to get my chickens in the spring. I have purchased a coop I found on marketplace (see picture) I plan to place this coop within my fenced in backyard but also I need to attach a run to it somehow because I have 2 dogs that would love a...
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