duckling advice

  1. F

    What’s wrong

  2. A

    I only have one duckling what should I do!?

    Hi, I incubated 3 call duck eggs with my chicken eggs just to see if they were even fertilized. Well we candled all the chicks and duck eggs that didn’t hatch and it seemed there wasn’t anything in any of them. We went outside to crack open the eggs to identify why the eggs didn’t hatch...
  3. pax12

    My Duck Live Streams are back!!!

    Watch the little ducks live here!! LIVE Duck Sleep Stream (CRAZY SOLAR STORM TONIGHT) 5/11/2024 LIVE Duck Sleep Stream 5/10/2024 Other YouTube Shorts
  4. U

    HELP Our mandarin ducklings keep dying

    Hi guys, We got 6 3 month old mandarin ducks last June. They started laying eggs early in March as we had a 70 degree day and then back to frost and snow. We incubated the eggs that were laid early to see if they could be saved as none of the mums sat on the nests. We had a lot of bad eggs...
  5. TigerLily34

    Day 41 no pip but alive? Huh??

    Hi all! I run a poultry farm and have hatched hundreds of eggs, and I’ve finally run into a first. I have a duck egg with high priority (laid by a now passed duck of importance to us) who is on day 41 with no pip or any indication of one. We’ve hatched many ducklings and I incubated this one the...
  6. F

    Ducklung eyes shut and cant walk

    I helped hatch this little guy he was shrink wrapped I opened some parts and let him push out which he did considering he was so weak. He hatched yesterday around 6pm today at 12 noon I moved him with the rest of the flock since he was all alone inside incubator and was weak I hoped hearing...
  7. Sproutablossom

    Duckling Help - Hatched premature and is at the 72 hour mark out of egg

    Hello all, Our Indian Runner ducks laid eggs and diligently sat on them up until the first one hatched. The mother then accidentally suffocated the first baby so we removed the other eggs and very swiftly put them in the incubator. All 8 had pipped, and after 12 hours everyone but two had...
  8. S

    Duck droppings

    These are the droppings my 3 ducklings did I'm not sure if these are normal Somebody help
  9. J

    Duckling stumbling and clicking

    I have two ducklings that I just got a day ago from tractor supply. One is completely fine, but the other is stumbling and every time he exhales I’m hearing a singular click. It all started today and he was fine about an hour before this all started happening. I checked his legs and feet for any...
  10. Yaras3

    Help! 2 weeks duckling suddenly cant walk and has a red growth out of bottom

    One of my baby ducklings suddenly cant walk on his right foot I noticed yesterday then today I saw a red pimple-like thing coming out of bottom area - eating and drinking fine seems to clean up fine still loud but I am very worried. Also today seems that both legs are weak I am not sure is it...
  11. P

    2 duckling suddenly died? Why?? (Warning pics of dead duckling)

    So I got these eggs ordered and they incubated fine. The first one was very healthy, moving and exploring alot. Then the second one came, more smaller and with curved feet. But so far they were okay. But then the first died, it's feet was pushed back. The other one died later on, before it was...
  12. M

    How to separate feed for ducklings and layers

    We have a flock of 6 adult female ducks, and now have 6 more ducklings that are about a month old. Socially we’ve gotten it all figured out, introducing them slowly and dividing their house so the littles sleep separately (under a heat lamp) at night. I think they’re about ready to fully...
  13. FeatherSwift93

    Duckling breed & sex?

    Hi everyone! I've had chickens for years and just recently bought 2 ducks...I know it's a long shot because the pictures aren't great, but does anyone have a guess on what breed these ducks are and possibly a guess on the sex? One duck is larger and is black and yellow..the other is smaller with...
  14. P

    Duckling sounds and their meanings

    I just adopted a baby duck. It's only 16 days old and I don't know the gender. I am wondering about its behavior. I don't understand a lot because I had never been in contact with a duck pet So when I try to catch it and raise it. It looks scared. But the second day when I put it in my hug it...
  15. H

    Duck hatched with eyes closed! They are still closed

    Hey all! I need some help, my Muscovy duckling hatched with his eyes closed it’s been 17 hours since it hatch in the eyes are still closed. Let me give you some background. I had to assist in the hatching as the duckling severely was shrink, wrapped I’m not sure if this has anything to do with...
  16. I

    NEED advice. Healthy?

    Hi, I am new duck owner and I’d like to get all the advice I can get. This is Frankie he is about 3.5 months old. To be honest I don’t know how to tell the sex yet. But I’ve been calling him a dude. I don’t know what type of breed he is. And I’d like to know more if I am missing something...
  17. M

    green pigeon peas (goya)

    i've got a 2 week six day old muscovy duckling, and i'm wondering if i can feed him goya green pigeon peas for niacin nutrition? might be a stupid question
  18. G

    Please help! Muscovy duckling cant balance or lift her head

    Please help! I got home late from work and found this Muscovy duckling stuck alone outside the coop. (My ducks put themselves to bed using a ramp, for some reason ramp was down and she couldn't make the jump up into the coop this time.) I think she was stuck outside for at least an hour, maybe...
  19. J

    Sick Duckling?

    Duck photos Hey everyone, first time duck owner and got two male ducklings from Metzer farms. The breed is White Layer and recieved them on 9/6 (10 days at time of writing). One duckling is fine, growing and weighing at about 10oz. My other duckling arrived already smaller, with a black marking...
  20. S

    Orphaned baby duck

    Hi all! I work at a vet hospital for cats and dogs and we had a woman come in with an orphaned baby duck. I have had experience raising ducks but this was 8 years ago. I already called wildlife rehab but they said they couldn't take it in and gave me some resources for taking care of it on my...
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