
  1. Puddingtheamericana

    Duckling feed

    I’m getting ducklings and they’re arriving in week and so we’re preparing the brooder and getting supplies, including food. i was going to do chick feed and mix it with brewers yeast but when looking for brewers yeast on amazon i found some duckling starter, perfect! problem is that it’s 22%...
  2. Gearhead846

    How cold is too cold for my ducklings??

    Hello, I have 3 khaki cambell ducklings that are seven weeks old and fully feathered and have been outside for a couple of days even when it drops down to 25🥶 but the weather forecast for where I'm at says that there is going to be a low of 0 degrees in the next few days and I need to know how...
  3. Bochama

    Duck not quacking

    Hello everyone. I have 3 beautiful ducks who I got when they were around a week old. A pekin,rouen and black swedish. My pekin and black swedish are one or two days older and started to quack but my rouen still hasn't started to quack. She also has one wing drooping down which I think is called...
  4. robbyvg

    How Water-Loving are Mallards?

    I searched the forums prior to posting this but I either didn't type in the correct words or does not exist. Anyhow... I just ordered some Mallard ducklings from Metzer. I have raised Cayugas, Blue Swedes, Golden Layers, Khaki Campbells, Rouens and Pekins. I noticed the Cayugas take to the...
  5. DuckDuckPromise

    Looking for Chickens and Duckies!

    Hi there! I am looking for chickens (most anything, I would love to find some Easter egger, or lavender Orpingtons if possible!) My sister lost some of hers, and I want to replace them if I can!! I am located in North Alabama!
  6. Gearhead846

    Is it normal for my duckling to sleep by the water ?

    I have been noticing that just about every time that I have gone into my ducklings brooder that they are almost always sleeping, and sleeping right next to the water is that normal? And approx. How long do 3 week old ducklings sleep everyday Thanks
  7. Gearhead846

    What age should i hold me baby chicks and ducklings??

    at what age should I be holding my ducklings or chicks I haven't held them in quite a while because of one of my pekins dying and when I do hold them they freak out and act as though I'm a predator. what can I do to make them like me better?? And once again thank you guys for all of your help...
  8. Z

    Will my duck ever love me again!

    My duck hatched 9 ducklings and due to reasons beyond our control (including a very angry drake) we had to seperate them from mother duck. Since it’s happened, she cannot stand the sight of me. She is extremely loud and lunges at me and has her beak open the whole time. I’m absolutely...
  9. Babies in the brooder

    Babies in the brooder

  10. PoultryLover1289

    Can my ducklings eat their bedding? Help?

    Hi I have 2 ducklings that eat whatever bedding I put in. They are in a massive plastic box almost ready to move outside. I don’t want them to just sleep on plastic. I put in these dog training pads for a while until they got bored and ate some of it. They where fine but I don’t use them...
  11. DuckDuckPromise

    In Search Of: Cayuga ducklings/drakes!

    Hi there! Lord’s Willing, I am after some Cayuga ducklings (and/or a drake if at all possible!) This isn’t what I typically think of when it comes to the “duckling time of year”... so I was wondering if they are even available right now. Still in search of a drake regardless though! Thank you in...
  12. MartinFamilyHomestead

    Identifying Duck approx 7 weeks

    I can identify all of my ducklings aside one. Here are some *low quality* pictures. Please let me know if you have an idea what it is. I think we know what it could be bc of what we ordered but we received extra ducklings and lost 2 one of which we are unsure what it was. But wanted to see if...
  13. MartinFamilyHomestead

    Identifying 3 week old ducklings.

    We received ducklings 3 weeks ago. We ordered 1 of each of the following: Mallard Rouen Buff Golden 300 Runner (fawn and white) Runner (blue) Welsh harlequin Welsh harlequin (only male we ordered) Saxony Silver Appleyard We received 12 ducks however, they did mark we had an extra blue runner...
  14. GhogKilla

    In PA, need home for Muscovy’s

    Hello fellow duck lovers!! I have 4-5 Muscovys I need to find loving homes for. I don’t want them eaten because I love them. I’m in Gettysburg, PA. Free! This picture has Dad, “Blue” and mom “LuLu” !
  15. X

    I have sick ducks

    Sweet no so here I go... So. My poor babies are sick. Two of them at least! I've tried my best to figure out what could be possibly the issue, how they got sick and what they're sick with. One is more severely ill and I am scared for her most. But I still am very concerned about the other one...
  16. robbyvg

    Duck Call/Signal: Emergencies that Need Help!

    I would suggest that we in this forum have a sticky thread that serves as a digital ER - at least the best we can. It should be a sticky because I have seen too many emergency threads not get the attention they need simply because, in their distress, folks can't verbalize and be descriptive...
  17. X

    My Ducklings Have Feathers on Their Legs!?

    Hey so, I am new to keeping ducks but not to chickens as I've had those before ducks. Currently has 9 ducklings, just about a month old by now. Previously had 10, casaulty to disease. Two different breeds, 4 silver appleyards and 5 welsh harlequins. Used to have 5 silver appleyards. They are all...
  18. laurajones1

    Duckling eggs 8 days out in incubator

    Question, I have duckling eggs in the incubator that are due in 8 days HOWEVER, 4 of them have progressed much faster and the air sack is already half the egg and it is possible that they were sat on by the chickens before collecting. Should I make the call and lock them down and stop turning or...
  19. MiniBarnFarmMaine

    Pekin Noisy Breathing

    Hi, I picked up five Pekin’s three days ago from tractor supply. One of the largest ducklings (they’re about 8 days old), came to me with best described as a stuffy nose. i wouldn’t call it wheezing, just stuffy noisy breathing. I took a stethoscope and listened around his/her lungs, everything...
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