
  1. Birdgrl1221

    Bumps around eye

    I have three 11 day old chicks, they are free ranging with mom all day and sleep with her at night. I have a flock of about 50 and only my three new chicks have this! It’s hard bumps around the eyes, two have red discoloration by the beak.. Could it be ant bites? The eye shape in the photo...
  2. E

    Help diagnosing chicken eye infection

    Hi everyone — any help at all you can provide about our hen’s eye infection we observed yesterday would be really welcome. There aren’t any avian vets near us and we don’t have experience with this kind of infection. She seems to be walking around and eating fine and her other eye looks normal.
  3. ZZbean

    Chickens love my ducks eyes

    Hello! I have one of my ducks who seems to have taken on the role of being the problem child, She is one out of the two of my younger ducks (freshly one) and she seems to be quite the baby. Once she and her sister got older with my chickens (I got the chickens a month before Peanut and Pickle...
  4. H

    Missing eye

    Hi all! Just woke up to find my girl looking like this! Is she missing an eye? I’m so upset I feel so awful. She’s seems fine otherwise, eating, drinking, running around. I have separated her from the others but am worried this will stress her out as she has two buddies she has a strong bond...
  5. M

    Has anyone ever seen these type of eyes on a chicken or is this just some kind of mutation?

    She can see somewhat fine but her vision hasn’t affect her too much, she also raised chicks without any problems
  6. Quacking ducks

    Hen pecked in the eye by the Rooster

    What should I do for my hen? I went out this afternoon and she was walking around with one eye closed. I walked up to her and tried to get her to open her eye, but she wouldn’t or couldn’t open it. I can make it come open, but she opens her beak a little like it hurts. My roosters been beating...
  7. L

    Hen with one eye closed, lethargic

    Hi all, I have a 1.5 year old golden laced Wyandotte named Ruthie. Yesterday morning I went in to scoop poop and noticed she hadn’t come down from her roost. Her bum had a bit of droppings on it (not normal for her), and the droppings underneath her were quite watery and slightly yellow. Up...
  8. K

    Layer of skin on my ducks eye

    Hello this is my duck and she has something on her eye, I don’t really know what it is, but it looks like a layer of skin. she did have an infection in her eye, but we had that treated and now she has this in her eye, so could somebody help me?
  9. S

    King quail with strange eye shape

    I have a female king quail who today I noticed was being picked in by her male. He’s always been super sweet so I don’t know what got into him, but she’s a bit roughed up. While I was checking her out, I noticed both her eyes seem to be a bit strange, it almost looks like the top eyelid has been...
  10. K

    Swollen eye, lower eyelid drooping

    Hi everyone, I got this new pure bred Silkie pullet (5 months old) yesterday and have since noticed it has swelling around the lower part of the eye and eyelid dropping, in both eyes, and maybe a bit of clear discharge but nothing noticeable that I have picked up, she also closes her eyes...
  11. Fallenone05

    Injury or cooties?

    Today I noticed my little Queen walking sideways. At first I thought she was about to sprawl out in the sun but I noticed her eye is very wet. She isn't displaying any sneezing or sniffles, is walking around fine, but her eye is SUPER wet. Trying to get a good still image of her one handed was...
  12. S

    Quail chick eye is goopy and scratching

    Hi, I have a 8 day old Italian coturnix chick (only survivor of the clutch) and it has been scratching at its face for a few days now. I thought maybe it was due to remaining membrane material that hadn't fallen off or something of those sorts. There isn't anything that is sharp in the brooder...
  13. J

    Goose Eye Injury?

    Hello everyone! Long time since I've posted but I have a question for anyone that might know what's going on with an eye of one of my white embden geese. I noticed a couple months ago something was up with his (Guardy)'s eye but I don't know what. It doesn't seem to impair him at all but it's...
  14. Z

    Hen's Eye with Pus

    Hi! I have 4 young hens (about 3 months old) and my sisters noticed the other day that one of them had a reddish pimple near her eye. I was chilling with them today and her eyes had like a whitish pus/bubbly thing? I'll insert a picture. She's acting normally and eating like normal. Only weird...
  15. L

    Four week old mystery chicken

    I have a four week old chick that I don’t know the breed of but so I don’t know of any health problems I should be looking out for. I decided to buy straight from a hatchery and picked a mix of standard and rare breeds. She has something under her eye and I’m not sure how concerned I should be...
  16. H

    Help! Hen with possible eye infection!

    My 2 year old Hen has been lethargic, not interested in eating much, and all around just not herself. One of her eyes is perfectly fine and the other eye is red, swollen, and stays at least half way shut at all times. I do not believe this to be an injury as she is rarely interacting with the...
  17. J

    Chick with sunken, “shifted”, and watery ey

    One of my buff Orpingtons has an odd eye. It’s not a birth defect because it was in perfect condition when I bought it over a month ago. The eyeball itself is sunken and shifted out of alignment from it’s original position. The bottom lid is slightly droopy and there’s water accumulating in the...
  18. KrishnaChick

    His eye swelling has gone down, but not completely. We would love recommendations! Normal behavior, maintaining weight, slight nasal discharge

    I found him on the road in the middle of nowhere with a swollen eye and bony. We found out at the vet he weighed less than 12oz! We got a round of antibiotics and I have been putting terramycin in his eye, but it’s not completely gone. I’d love to get him healthy and introduced to the flock...
  19. N

    Goose eye infection?

    Hi! So this happened overnight with my goose's eye. Yesterday I noticed her eye was slightly closed, I immediately rinsed her eyes with saline solution and put ACV in her water. This is the picture from today. Whatever it is got worse. She can’t see from this eye at all, from what I noticed. Her...
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