hatching advice

  1. Papaye

    Plese HELP : Unborn duckling - I broke half the eggshell

    Hi. Sorry : I am copying my thread from the Ducks forum, since I think I should actually post it here : "Please help : I just broke half of the eggshell of an unborn duckling. I thought he could not get out of his egg alone, since egg was half broken yesterday, and the hatching stopped since...
  2. Papaye

    HELP : Unborn duckling - I broke half the eggshell

    Hello. Please help : I just broke half of the eggshell of an unborn duckling. I thought he could not get out of his egg alone, since egg was half broken yesterday, and the hatching stopped since then... When I broke the eggshell this morning, duckling did not move. I don't know if he is just...
  3. M

    Chick stuck almost hatched

    Hey all I’m on day 19 of hatching my second batch of coturnix and I have one little guy that has almost fully hatched but has been sat like this for almost three hours. He’s trying to push out but just can’t seem to get that final push out done. Would you leave him be or help him get the shell...
  4. Luckyhen006

    Help!! Incubator stopped working WHILE chicks were hatching!!!

    Hey guys!! So Its day 22, and we just had one egg hatch. We have a couple zipping as well, but our incubator just quit working!! It shut off and on multiple times then just quit.😰 We thought maybe it was just the wall socket so we moved the incubator somewhere else, NOTHING. We thought it might...
  5. picanins

    Completely Detached Air Cells - Day 1 (Advice Please)

    I have received a very squashed box of hatching eggs yesterday - due to the amazing job of internal packing by the breeder no eggs were broken - with scrambled eggs (a bit of an exaggeration). All but 3 (which have a partial/saddle attachment) air cells are completely detached. I let the eggs...
  6. TattooedChickenPapa

    First time hatching, hatching with a broody hen instead of incubator.

    Okay, so I have a Serama I gave 6 eggs to (all have survived thus far🎊🥳) and are due this weekend. I. Am. A. Nervous. Wreck. Obviously I have been reading, doing research, watching YouTube videos, and reading threads on here but I'm so happy, and excited, and utterly terrified/worried. I'm so...
  7. S

    Chicks Not hatched?

    Day 21 was yesterday. We had 6 chicks hatch yesterday (one that was in the incubator overnight). Unfortunately all the other eggs were knocked around and I have no idea what way is up. There is 7 eggs left. These eggs were alive, they had chirping coming out the last two days and Ive seen them...
  8. J

    Emu may be stuck inside the egg?

    So I had two emus eggs, one of them already hatched and it’s doing good. Now the other one cracked a whole on the egg on the 55th day but it hasn’t break the egg and come out. Still breathing and opening its eyes. It’s been over 5 hours since the emu broke the egg and still there. Could emu be...
  9. J

    Hatching issue/ intestine

    Hi everyone I am new here and this is my first batch of chicks that are hatching. This one did take a while to hatch and now it appears to have herniated intestines? Anyone have any luck with this or is it better to euthanize? Any suggestions would be helpful. I don’t want this baby to suffer...
  10. ChickaChicka1

    Tips for hatching shipped eggs

    Hi there! I ordered some Barred Rock hatching eggs from Meyer Hatchery last week, and they are supposed to come sometime next week around Tuesday or Wednesday. This will be my first time hatching eggs in an incubator. I have a Kebonnix 12 egg incubator set up at home. Do y'all have any tips for...
  11. T

    How long should I wait to remove chicks

    Hi there! So I have around 21 eggs in the incubator and 8 or 9 have hatched. They began hatching on day 20 very early in the morning. We're now early morning of day 22. Im wondering when would be a good time to take out the chicks that have hatched. I still have 11 eggs left but I know if I open...
  12. J

    First time hatcher needing advice

    I've had chickens for the past 7 years, 3 americauna in 2018 and then 4 silkies last year in 2022. (First chicken to pass was one of the americuanas from ascites at 6 years old, we relocated one of our silkies cause 3 out 4 turned out to be roosters, and just last week I lost my precious...
  13. SweetHeidi

    Last egg, still viable?

    I'm ALWAYS nervous about egg decisions! 12 hatched of 13. This one is left. Everyone hatched yesterday and today. They are icelandic. Is this a quitter? I see no movement and it seems small inside. Thx!
  14. ravensravelry

    Broody hatching advice

    Hello! I have a silkie hen that has been broody over a clutch for just over a week now. I'm checking every day to make sure no one has hatched(I know hatch date is 21-26 days but I'm making sure 😂), but this leads me to my question; when they do hatch, is it better to take them out into a...
  15. sjhart18

    Assisting without an internal pip...

    Hello! I know this is a super controversial topic and that there are very strong opinions about whether or not to assist in general. I'm asking specifically about what to do if the chick has been trying to break through the inner membrane for at least 24 hours. Stats: - Local chicken egg...
  16. Tiltom

    Day 23 more than half haven’t hatched???

    Hello! I am new to incubating and hatching. This is my 2nd run. The first hatch was amazingly successful. We got 24 hatched out of 30 with only one rooster. Not even sure how we did that! We have the Maticoopx and live in a camper so with little to no room we set the incubator outside in our...
  17. Mama_Arty

    Can Some Eggs Be Quiet ?

    Hi there. I have 2 goose eggs incubating. My first incubating eggs ever. I know - what a choice for a first time. Lol They have had their air cells draw down, shadowing in the air cell the last couple of days. They have grown well and everything seems okay but (pun intended) I haven't hears a...
  18. SilkieFlo

    Broody hen - hatched 4 since yesterday, 2 haven't internally pipped yet.

    Hi everyone! I have broody that is sitting on 6 eggs, 3 have hatched over the course from yesterday morning until now and one is zipping. If I counted right today is day 22. There are two eggs left which I candled, they are definitely alive but haven't even pipped internally yet... I...
  19. lavendermarie

    How high should humidity be for hatch?

    I’ve been looking online trying to figure out who how i should put my humidity in the incubator for when they hatch. It always seems to vary from 60%-70%. So I wanted to come straight to the experts and ask you guys what percentage of humidity you’ve had more luck with.
  20. M

    Detached air cells

    My eggs arrived a week ago and almost all of them had detached air cells 😢. I’ll be candling them for the second time (first when they started incubating) around day ten to see if they have any life. I initially tried to keep the worst four, more upright when turning, in a separate incubator...
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