
  1. M

    Keeping in Texas garage?

    Hi all! When I first got chicks two years ago I kept them in my house and I told myself I was never doing that again (the dust!). I’m in north Texas and our temps range from high 70s at night to high 80s/low 90s during peak of the day. I took temps thought the day in the garage and this is what...
  2. Emrosenagel

    Pinkish/pale comb over past couple weeks

    Hello! I have a blue andulusian (11 months) who has been much paler in the past couple weeks. Now, the temperature and humidity here has spiked recently (central Florida) and this hen has always been sensitive to heat, for whatever reason; strange, since the breed is supposedly heat tolerant...
  3. Emrosenagel

    Pullet with an empty crop before bed

    Hello! This is a first time occurrence with this particular chicken, so I’m not overtly concerned, but I am curious. My pullets (13 weeks, bantams Serama/cochins) occasionally go bed with empty crops. It varies on who it is, but it just seems odd. They act normal and eat/drink. We’re having...
  4. J

    New to chicks and chickens

    Hi everyone, I’m new to chicks, chickens and chicken keeping. I bought 10 Red Production chicks last Friday from a place close to my home. By the following Thursday 4 died and I went back and got replacement chicks, that are now a week behind my current chicks. They are RIR and Americana chicks...
  5. C

    When to add heat

    I have Wyandotte chickens that are 2 months old, they now live in their coop outside. Tonight is suppose to get into the 20’s, which is the coldest they will have encountered. Do they need a heat source, or will they be ok in the coop for the night?
  6. Sweeter Heater

    Sweeter Heater

    "The Sweeter Heater has no hot spots, develops a uniform heat pattern, and has a 3-year warranty. The surface temperature of the lens will range from a safe 160-180 degrees (F). It is designed to warm the animal, not the environment and is fully adjustable to maintain the ideal comfort level...
  7. C

    Supplemental Heat in Coop

    Hello! First time chicken owner heading into the winder months. Is supplemental heat needed or recommended in single digit nighttime temps? We’re located in Tennessee and are having a stint of unusually cold weather (0 degrees to -1 predicted as the night time low, teens during the day). My...
  8. ChickensInMA

    Seramas in Winter

    Do any other Northerners have experience with seramas in the winter? Here in the Boston Area, the coldest we get is about 0ºF to -5ºF, but we have sustained temperatures in the teens. I have three birds that are basically the Caribbean version of seramas, and I'm worried about winter with them...
  9. M

    Chicken lethargic and hiding? :(

    My chicken Peperomia is around 2 years old. Today she has started acting lethargic, swaying her head and hiding. She refuses to eat or drink. I spoon fed her water in the hopes to give her some hydration. I even laid out some of her favorite foods in a shallow dish of 100% coconut water. I...
  10. WineberryHill

    Why I dont heat my coop

    This time of year my non-chicken keeping friends ask me how I keep my hens warm. So I made a video about it!
  11. C

    Kill mites with heat?

    Question, I cleaned all the wood chips out of my coop and put them in sealed garbage bags in the sun. Will this kill ALL the mites? It's been in the 90s here, ad the bags have been out there for a month. Anyone do this?
  12. rick0200

    Keeping Quail cool in the heat

    I've been raising quail now for about a year and a half. The roughest part of raising these hardy little birds is watching them suffer the heat. I live in NW Indiana and we can get some pretty hot, humid days without wind on a steady basis throughout the summer. Average temps in June...
  13. B

    Salmon faverolle heat stroke?

    Hi everyone, I am morning two of my salmon faverolle who suddenly passed over the last 2 days. I live in the Sacramento area and we are in a heat wave with temperatures hitting 108 yesterday. My hens are about a year old and the first one passed on the roost, we discovered her in the morning...
  14. Oob Child

    Keeping baby warm?

    Just had a quail chick hatch that needs separation from the others, and I'm not sure what to do in terms of heating. The only two heat lamps I have are either way too hot or too cold. Does anyone know how I could cool down the hot one or what else I can get? I can't afford another heating plate...
  15. Oob Child

    Heat Pad Reccomendations?

    Hi, I have three quail all younger than four days old, and I'm looking for a heat source for them that looks something like the pictures I included but cheaper. I'm on a low budget and can't afford much.
  16. tomik261

    Dealing with summer heat in faverolles

    This isn't anything urgent and I just want to ask. How do you deal with salmon faverolles during summer? I'm a bit concerned as it isn't summer yet and one of our faverolles was panting in the coop. Outside she isn't panting but I can't imagine the swelter that's going to be inside that coop...
  17. madsnbot

    another chicken death. severe panting and then death minutes later. Gapeworm? Heatstroke? help :(

    I’ve had so many deaths in my flock recently due to illness and it’s so frustrating. I have previous posts on my other chickens and how they died but just now I had another hen die but under different circumstances. My Brahma was a little under a year old and just died out of the blue. Before...
  18. Griggs9

    At what temperature do chickens need heat?

    Hi all! This is our first winter with our backyard flock up in Vermont. We are approaching a cold front with temperatures at -25°. Because of the cold temperatures I do have a small radiant coop heater from tractor supply store in with them at night however they Are out in a runner most of the...
  19. Garden shed / chicken coop

    Garden shed / chicken coop

    We purchased a 12x20' garden shed from an Amish builder in Wisconsin. They hauled it out here. They set it where we had already had a level base of sand and several inches of pea gravel. We built a wall 5 feet from the right with a door to separate the coop from the garden shed and...
  20. ChickenOfSpades

    Sudden temp drop in weather, should I heat coop?

    I know it's usually not necessary to heat a coop in winter, but were getting a sudden drop in temp. Should I give them a little heat since they may not be acclimated yet? (I have a flat panel heater with high/low settings to use instead of a heat lamp) We've been in the mid 70s in day and 40s...
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