
  1. Owls 🦉 How to Deter

    Owls 🦉 How to Deter

    We've lived in Arizona for 30 years. In 2012 our friend and neighbor Lou passed. He would put rocks up on the top columns of his patio for doves to nest. Doves are horrible nest builders and often their eggs roll out of their flimsy built nest. The neighbor who bought his home had no interest...
  2. T

    How long for a full nest to hatch?

    My Indian Runner has been on 3 eggs, all were viable, I have seen all the signs when candling. The first hatched yesterday but there is no sign of the other two hatching. How long should I leave it before removing the eggs? Thanks for your help and advice
  3. S

    HELP! lockdown humidity

    Is it safe to put a sponge in the incubator alongside the eggs or will chicks peck at it when hatched? I have 6 silkie eggs on lockdown since last night, I candled them before locking down and all are looking good to go, today is day 18, two eggs are wobbling a little bit since right before...
  4. E

    Still in incubator. Lethargic and splayed leg

    One of my silkies hatched but it has splay leg and seems lethargic. It has been in the incubator for 24 hrs now. I used vet wrap to make a splint for its legs but it still hasn’t walked. I tried sugar water and it seems to perk up for a second then lays back down. The other chicks went to a...
  5. D

    Hatching shipped eggs, some with bad air cells.

    Well I'm ~5-6 days away from welcoming new chicks to the world for the first time. I've always wanted to hatch eggs and finally after slowly getting the family warmed up to the idea of keeping chicken for two years it's happening! I think the main trigger was when some trashy person dumped a...
  6. Just Rosie

    Easiest to clean incubator models?

    Hello all, I am a hobby breeder of silkies who has been on hiatus until this year. I've been letting my girls do all the hatching for a while, but I'm ready to get back into it. I'm looking to buy a new incubator, because I really struggle to clean the ones I have. Currently I have an...
  7. PhoenixManz

    When to start lockdown for eggs that started incubating on three different days?

    Hey all! I have some eggs in an incubator that started incubation with a broody, and we're given to her over three consecutive days. i.e. 12th 13th and 14th February. When should these eggs be put into lock down? On the 18th day for the earliest ones, or for the latest ones? So should they go...
  8. PhoenixManz

    Day 12 air sac size - too small?

    Hi all! I'm wondering if the air sacs for some of these are too small for day 12? Humidity has been between 30% and 55% (I let it fall down to 30% before bringing it up to 55% again, usually twice a day). Just wondering if I should decrease the humidity for the coming days. Looking forward to...
  9. RoosterJuice

    Question about humidity and temperature

    Hi there! I haven’t incubated chicken eggs in about 6 years and I’m getting back into it again. I wish I had made notes but here I am… I’m wondering if anyone can tell me if this is generally correct: From days 1-18 keep the temp at 99-100 and keep humidity at 35-55%. Then at day 18 keep the...
  10. G

    Shipped eggs… Oops!

    A friend of mine ordered me hatching eggs for Christmas. I’m currently on day 7 for the first batch and day 5 for the second. In batch #1, there were 8 eggs, so far three have not made it and 2 seem suspicious. In batch #2, there were 3 eggs and so far I can see growth in 1 but I’m going to...
  11. Jojociita

    Initial Pip - Egg tooth made a clean ‘slice’ and is stuck?

    So I even went to ChatGPT with this and the thing said that it was both rare for an egg tooth to slice and not “crack” the shell, as well as get STUCK. I’m incubating 24 eggs from a coworker, silkie and olive eggers. This baby is a silkie and she made her initial pip, not only malpositioned...
  12. S

    Advice for pipping quail, day 22...

    I have a clutch of 15 eggs, all viable as of day 14. It's now day 22 for my quail and yesterday we had 5 start pipping. The humidity has been between 50-70% since day 14 and heat at 99.5. Is it true it can take 12-24 hours for quail to "unzip"? Any other advice for a first-time hatcher too...
  13. Jojociita

    External Pip, Shell Didn’t Drop—Closed again?

    I’m back! 🫣 Watching 12 late eggs from arduous hatches roll around actively in my “Lockdown Bator” for 8 days. No peeps, one single pip that I witnessed. She pipped about 6 hours back and I watched it happen. She actually pipped right through the blue colored-pencil heart 🥲 Hoping that’s not...
  14. DovesFlock

    Newbie to egg hatching. Any tips?

    I’ve made two homage incubators (one is for lockdown one is for the first 16 days. Because I don’t want too much humidity) I started with 25 eggs in total. I had to discard about 7 yesterday due to being past due date (and DIS) I have one that’s supposed to hatch today but hasn’t made a sound...
  15. DovesFlock

    Day 22-23 with no air sac and weird smell

    So I can’t smell much as is but I noticed a smell in my incubator. i had a bunch of eggs that needed to hatch/were going to hatch/are going to hatch soon in here. This is my lockdown incubator. I already had 4 eggs that are going day 26 and two going on day 21 -23. I took the one that was on day...
  16. How to take care of coturnix quail egg-end of life.

    How to take care of coturnix quail egg-end of life.

    It all starts when you collect or buy your eggs, you decide to eat or incubate them. Eating them is good but incubating them into little fluff balls is even better. First things first you’re going to need an incubator that is reliable. If you don’t know about it yet always do a test run without...
  17. DovesFlock

    Day 21 no pipping, movement, sounds HELP PLEASE!!

    I have 4 eggs ready to hatch Aug 31st (today) however we lost power yesterday around 10 ish and I’ve been keeping them warm and as humid as possible with blankets (covering the bottom/my vents) and candles (for warmth and such) however they have made a sound or movement or single lip. This is my...
  18. Oob Child

    Humidity spike day 17 quail, short drop in temp. HELP!

    Help! Day 17, asked little sister to add a bit of water to my incubator as I wouldn't be home for 2hrs, came home and the humidity was 75%! The paper towels in the incubator were drenched. I took out the paper towels and, fixed the humidity, but had to take the three eggs out to do it. I fixed...
  19. M

    Accidentally set to 38.5C for 48 hours on day 17 of incubation

    Hey! So I’m hoping for some reassurance. On day 17, the incubator went up to 38.5C for 48 hours. Now on day 19, I’ve brought the temps back down to 37.5 exactly. I’m just looking to make sure that this is okay? I’m sure a one degree difference for 48 hours won’t make a difference, but wanted to...
  20. thoeffel1994

    How long can partially incubated duck eggs survive without the mother sitting on them?

    How long can partially incubated duck eggs survive without the mother sitting on them? I went outside to put the ducks up for the night and found my broody Muscovy hen dead. :(
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