
  1. L

    Legbar? Leghorn? Mix?

    Does anyone know whether this is a mix or a pure breed of legbar/leghorn/cream crested legbar? On the Internet I can't find exactly similar roosters from these breeds, is it a mix?
  2. GlicksChicks

    What is a White Sport Legbar?

    I got 2 White Sport Legbar pullets from TSC not too long ago and I would like to know what exactly a White Sport Legbar is? Is it any different from a White Legbar?
  3. GlicksChicks

    Copper, First Time Mama Hen Raise-Along

    Hello to everyone who is reading this, I hope you are having a great day! For over a month now I have had a broody hen, a BCM named Copper. She has been really devoted to laying on her eggs, but my hens all fight over one nesting box even though they have 3 identical ones, so she lets them lay...
  4. F

    breeding a cream OE rooster with a Blue OE hen = ?

    We recently bought chicks from a small homestead breeder and all ended up being roosters that only have green and blue egg genetics. We are considering keeping 1-2 of the roosters for a few months to breed to our small flock of hens (different breeds) for more variation in feather/egg colors...
  5. J

    Black x legbar sexlink?

    Would a solid Black Marans roo over cream crested Legbar hens, create sexlink oe chicks? TIA 🙂
  6. Papaye

    Warts on comb - What is it?

    Hello! One of my chickens - a young white legbar - has had white, yellowish, warts on her comb for a few months (since last spring at least)... ...Her name is Lila. Actually, she has no worrying symptoms : she is energetic, is laying fine blue eggs, and has never been sick since I have had...
  7. IamHEC

    My guess is legbar

    TS duped me...my guess is cream legbar? A pullet because of the small comb?
  8. BerthaBoo

    Integrating 3 new chicks in with flock of 6, all same age

    Hi everyone! I have a total of 8 young pullets, 1 cockeral right now. All are 9-10 weeks old now. 6 of the pullets + the cockerel (all bym) were brooded together, and I added the three extra pullets (two cream/one pearl legbar) about two weeks ago, when they were all about 7-8 weeks old...
  9. Elefreda

    Legbars - boys or girls, please help!

    Hi there, We have just hatched 5 legbar chicks, went for these as we wanted to be able to sex them early as some are for us and some for a friend - we want girls, they are happy with either. I've been looking at how to sex the legbars over the last few weeks so that I knew what to look for but...
  10. Lammy2011

    Lavender Araucana + Legbar Hen or Rooster?

    Hello here is my 4 weeks old Lavender Araucana and legbar I’m just wondering if they are both hens? Thank you for looking
  11. loyalcrowlist

    Hen pecking and holding onto finger

    So one of my legbars, Misdemeanor, has always been a bit aloof. She's warming up a lot recently but she has an odd habit: she pecks my hand/fingers, not hard and it doesn't hurt, but she does tend to hold on for a bit? As in, she'll give the back of my hand a quick peck and then bite my finger...
  12. C

    Chick ID? Easter eggers and more ?

    So from previous posts I’ve come to realize TSC isn’t the most reliable for gendering and breeding right, but as the chicks are getting older I bought what I thought were 7 Easter egger pullets and I’m thinking there’s some mix ins for breeds which is fine it’s just interesting to watch them...
  13. KimMMXVIII

    Me and my girls.

    Made an account to be able to ask for feed and other care advice. Here are my two baby girls who are turning 3 this year. As you can see they are very clingy, it was my mom who got them in 2020 but now I care for them. I wonder if it would be safe to introduce a third? I have read online that...
  14. E

    Ameraucana, EE, Cream Legbar, which one?

    I hatched out 4 eggs. they were from a 1, blue Ameraucana over blue and white Ameraucanas and a cream legbar, and from 2, an Easter Egger pen. am I correct here? brown is a legbar cross, black is an Ameraucana, and the two lighter babes are Easter Eggers? eggs weren't labeled.
  15. J

    Cream-crested legbar doesn't lay?

    At the end of May 2021 we hatched 4 cream-crested legbars; sadly, 3 of them were male so were despatched. The hen is lovely and, as expected, started providing us with a blue egg on a daily basis. All was fine for a few months and then all of a sudden in Spring last year, she either stopped...
  16. bkbingham

    Cream Legbars or EE/Ameraucana

    I bought 6 chicks from a local hardware store this spring, they were labeled as EE chicks but I have raised EE chickens in the past that had the Ameraucana in the past but these are looking a little different. Instead of the puff cheek feathers my last ones had, these has a tuff on top of the...
  17. F

    Let’s play guess the breed:

    Let’s play guess the breed! I hatched this one out 3 months ago from some backyard mixes I got from a friend. I’m not sure what breeds she has so the sky’s the limit when it comes to guessing. While the colouring is off I’m thinking she looks a lot like a legbar.
  18. K

    Sex-Link using Legbars

    I have hatched two rounds of Welsummer (rooster) X Cream Legbar chicks. This should produce sex-links. The chicks I suspect are males have very small head spots compared to other sex-links I have seen. What would cause them to not be as defined? My stock is from breeders and not hatchery...
  19. F


    Okay ever since I got Shelby she’s been an unhealthy chicken, always wants to be left alone and is very flighty. I brought her inside today because of the frostbite on her comb and she had one solid poop and is now shooting out diarrhea! At this point I’m just not sure what to do with her. For...
  20. StepfordCuckoos

    Three of our hens went broody

    Three of our girls went broody at the same time. Two are in the same coop and one is in a different one. It's so interesting to watch. Our silkie was the first to go broody. She's just about a year old and is really tiny. At first I just thought she wanted to sleep somewhere else (sometimes our...
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