
  1. S

    Durvet Ivermectin Paste for Peafowl Lice

    Hey there, I have two young peacocks who are absolutely writhing with lice on their heads as I’ve identified, I was wondering if using “Durvet Ivermectin Oral Paste 1.87% (apple flavored)” would be safe for them? If that’s alright, I do also need the safest dose per pound for them. It’s 91mcg...
  2. M

    Dirty feathers and lice treatment

    Hello, I treated my chickens for lice about 4 weeks ago. I used the strong 1 time treatment stuff. Nothing is crawling on them, some of the eggs are still attached to the feathers, but i check thoroughly and no mites are crawling around on any of my hens. Do those feathers that are covered in...
  3. Ajp23

    How quickly does elector PSP kill mites/lice?

    I’ve discovered poultry lice and have sprayed elector psp on each bird and in the coop after cleaning. I’ve found many threads stating this is a one time application - have you found that to be true or should I plan on treating again? Also, how long does it take to kill the lice? Do the nits...
  4. Elspeth Dinsmore

    Chickens Losing Bum Feathers & Poopy Bums (Eight Months Old)

    Howdy! This is my first post on Backyard Chickens. I am a first time chicken keeper. I've learned a lot from other threads on this site. However, I haven't found an answer to my particular problem. I mail-ordered chicks (from Chickens for Backyards) back in July of 2023: three Buff...
  5. PileatedFarms

    Daytime small bugs - mite? Lice? Clover mites?

    Hey all! Before I get started I'll just mention that I'll add a photo as soon as I can take one/see more of the bugs We have a hen who was inside in a cage for a few days working on a large crop she has (different issues lol) and today when I went to pick her up, after putting her down I had...
  6. Timbers Happy Hens

    Mites issue

    So I’m sure this has been asked before but I’m struggling with re infestation. For the last 8 months or so I spot small orange lice on my birds, mainly around the vents. I treat them with poultry dust on the vent, up the belly and back, but stay away from their heads. I completely clean out...
  7. Phospho

    Epic Battle against Lice

    I have 7 chickens, and they all have varying degrees of lice. I've been battling them since August. Here's what I've been doing, and what I'm planning on doing: When I first noticed them, I started doing what I did last time this happened: I switch them from one pen to another every week...
  8. F

    Sick hen, worried about flock

    One of my silkie hens started acting lethargic two days ago. Yesterday, we found her with yellow crust completely over both eyes, yellow nasal discharge, and her feathers felt stiff/clumpy/greasy. She did not make it through the night. I am worried about the rest of my flock. I have 9 other...
  9. Paz

    One died from lice

    My younger birds caught the lice/fleas, I don’t know which one. I only now noticed because of war and lots of work in the farm. They are very light, like they lost all the weight. I put some flea soap on them, but they look sick. I gave them water with honey, and crushed vitamin pill on their...
  10. C

    Blisters and wounds on face and combs

    I “rescued” some silkies and one black (supposed) Astrolop. We aren’t sure what all is wrong. I have them isolated away from my main flock, with an electric fence buffer to keep a 6 ft DMZ type zone). They aren’t as active as my normal flock but they aren’t lethargic either. Their legs have...
  11. Little Tala Bug

    Powder for lice in the UK

    Hi BYC! I want to post a recommendation for a pest powder that I recently used for a lice infestations and was very happy with. Since permethrin isn't approved for use directly on birds here in the UK, I tried this...
  12. S

    Dying birds

    Hello again. I have had two white silkie hens die recently. One a few days ago, and one today. I also had another hen that I believe to have had mareks. The silkies were healthy until they weren’t. Suddenly having seizures and neurological issues. All their symptoms had pointed to a vitamin E...
  13. AYoung90

    Lice treatment for rooster

    I'm mostly posting because I need reassurance that I'm doing the right thing. I have a Brahma rooster that is covered in lice & nits.... I discovered the infestation because he has been laying down a lot, & very wobbly when he's up trying to keep up with the flock, & I was checking for...
  14. AMont17

    LICE! HELP Rooster is going DOWNHILL QUICK

    My rooster has been lethargic for days and I just noticed tiny white bugs on his face. He can barely stay awake and is not doing well at all. What can I give him to save him??
  15. toppenheimer

    Golden Laced Wyandotte Missing Neck and Back Feathers

    Hello everyone! We have a small backyard flock and one of our girls “Endira” has never grown her adult feathers on her neck and back. She is roughly 8 weeks old. The rest of our flocks feathers grew in just fine except her. I imagine the bare skin is uncomfortable and am wondering if there is...
  16. StepfordCuckoos

    Blu-kote for mites?

    It has been a rough few months!! We've had more issues lately than in all of the time owning chickens. Our crossbeak EE has mites and DE has not been working. I went to TSC today and picked up 'Poultry Protector'. The lady suggested that I get 'Blu-Kote', which I did. I put it on her and I'm...
  17. Kacijo3

    I need help identifying these tiny bugs in my chicken coop! Mass/NH

    I spotted quite a few of these tiny bugs in my chicken coop on the wood around the nesting boxes. I've had chicken & ducks for years & I've never seen these before! Hoping to get some help to identify & how to get rid of! I'm live on the border of Mass & New Hampshire.
  18. SJEP

    treating for Lice

    Hi Fello Chicken People! I hope Im in the correct forum with this question, as well I hope someone can give me an answer. Ok, here goes, I have some hens given to me all under a year old, and pretty well feral.. they have finally gotten to tolerate me coming in to their run to set out feed...
  19. Shannon89815


    Out of our 20 hens we had 1 that we had been calling “Bald Chicken”. Her underbelly was un feathered, as were her head, tops/shoulder part of her wings, and front of neck, and all exposed areas were beat red and raw looking. Only 2 of the other 19 hens showed some signs of baldness on heads...
  20. Duckduckgoosie

    Permethrine poultry dust- eggs ok to eat?

    Treated coop & birds yesterday for lice 🤢, do I need to wait before eating any eggs laid yesterday or today?
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