light brahma

  1. BuffBrahmaBantams

    Looking for show Brahma bantam chicks!!!

    Hi, I am looking for buff or light Brahma bantam chicks or started pullets. I will need proof of the parents winning best or reserve in breed or variety in a show. I have been showing for two years. I have won reserve champion both years at the Central Florida Fair (a pretty big fair 300+...
  2. Seana


    1 1/2-year-old Light Brahma hen
  3. Australorpfamily

    Light Brahma 18 -19 weeks old laid first egg

    I've tried to search and research, and while most say Brahma laying age is between 6-7 months, I did find ONE post that said hatchery pullets can lay early. Ours are 18.5(ish) weeks, gotten from TSC(Hoovers)when they were roughly a week old. Bianca, our reddest of the Light Brahmas has been...
  4. S

    Light Brahma pullet or cockerel?

    My newest brahmas are 10 weeks old and I don’t remember my buff Brahma pullets being so red so early and this light Brahma is making me question because they are becoming red faster? What do you think pullet or roo?
  5. Cade S

    First egg! (Thinking it's a glitch, but excited anyways)

    One of my light brahmas gave us the adorably small egg. Thinking it's a glitch as they're only 18-19 weeks, but they've started allowing my roosters advances, so I'm not too surprised.
  6. J

    3 week old Brahma colours

    Hello! I’ve hatched three lovely Brahmas three weeks ago, can anyone help me figure out their colours? I was thinking maybe a gold partridge and an Isabella? Really not sure about the third one. Thanks!
  7. J

    3 week old Brahma chick colour?

    Hello! 3 weeks ago I hatched a mixture of different breeds, and I got some Brahmas! I'm pretty sure I've identified a Gold Partridge baby and an Isabella one too. But I'm struggling to tell what colour the third chick is, does anyone have any ideas? Her fluffy down on her chest and belly is a...
  8. R

    Light Brahma: Pullet or Cockerel?

    Hello! I am posting this for certainty as I am not quite sure what to do. I have a young Light Brahma, about four and a half weeks old, and I am starting to doubt on whether or not it is indeed a cockerel or a pullet. Its feathers look different from the other one. It is mostly those neck...
  9. Cade S

    Light Brahma, 10 weeks, Sex?

    Hey folks, 1 of my 8 chicks (supposedly all pullets) has had a red comb and waddles since about 7.5 weeks and is also much taller and larger than my other light brahmas. The other 7 have small, barely raised, salmon colored combs and are just barely getting their waddles 2.5 weeks later. Other...
  10. E

    Help Identify Colors of my Brahma Babies?!

    Hello all! This is my first post beside my introduction post! I am sure one of you guys will know the answer to this question! I am looking to see what color Brahma babies I have? I am thinking one is a light Brahma (Theodora) because she is white/yellowish with black tips on her wings - but...
  11. petey2

    Will she have the standard light brahma coloration?

    hey all! i’m new to light brahmas. this is Buttercup, ~3 weeks old. she’s much darker than her sisters, her toe feathers are all dark as well. Will she grow up to have the standard light brahma look or will she stay darker? Thanks in advance!
  12. C

    Light, buff or dark Brahma?

    I’ve never owned brahmas so if this sounds like a dumb question I’m sorry 😂 3 of 4 of my little brahmas (the other was hiding) what do you think buff, light or dark? The 4th is similar to the first a little grayer!
  13. C

    Brahma babies!

    Curious to see how your chicks grew to look! Currently raising EE and Brahmas! Excited to see all the different colors and looks! Please post your chicks to adults! 🐥
  14. Silvia's Roost

    Silvia's Roost

    7-month-old Light Brahma pullet
  15. Seana


    7-month-old Light Brahma pullet
  16. The Flock - December 2022

    The Flock - December 2022

    5 Light Brahmas 2 Easter Eggers 1 White Plymouth Rock
  17. Light Brahma Pullets

    Light Brahma Pullets

    20 1/2 weeks old
  18. My matched pair

    My matched pair

    Attila the Hen and Jabba look like royalty with their gloriously white feathers. They are so beautiful. I've absolutely fallen in love with my light brahmas.
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