
  1. savvychickz

    Will she get lonely?

    I had two poults that I raised with 9 salmon faverolles, 3 almost 4 months old. one of the turkeys died yesterday (predator, dealt with), Will the remaining turkey be lonely being the only turkey or will it be fine with the salmon faverolles?? They don’t perch together since the turkey likes...
  2. KloekieKapokkie

    Introducing new chickens to lonely rooster,

    Hello! I have a single bantam rooster. I've had him for 5 years. He was originally with 2 other hens who passed away unfortunately. The last hen passed away about 3 weeks ago. I was scared that my rooster would become lonely, he had started roaming a lot less and eating less. To hopefully solve...
  3. Hentastrophe

    In need of urgent information!!

    Hey guys, recently I bought 4 chicks from rural king, not knowing a couple weeks later i would be adopting a baby chick with a broken leg. Now the chicks are older and the baby chick is still, well, a baby. I moved the chicks from the brooder to their new coop, but the baby chick is inside our...
  4. C

    Yokohama chick acting weird!!

    Hello! I recently got chicks for my backyard and got two Yokohamas with the ten chicks I got. Sadly one already has passed, I tried every efforts to bring her back to recovery but on day four she was gone. But now I’m left with my last Yokohama who is showing similar symptoms but at the same...
  5. mosaicmama

    Only One Hen Left. What Do I Do? Thanks

    We are down to one older hen and it’s so sad to see her alone. I’m concerned about her going into winter. We plan to get another batch of chicks this spring (we are only allowed 6 chickens where we live). But, I’m wondering if it would be better for her to get one or two older hen right now to...
  6. Suez1uk

    Solo hatch 6 day old

    I have a lot of quail but this is my first chicken, I think there was an incubator problem which has left me with just one newly hatched Wyandotte. She is obviously lonely, she is now 6 days old, we had a couple of times of pasty butt and she was back on her haunches for 3 days, but she has...
  7. Sweetles

    Chicken just won't shut up!

    I have a chicken that was given to me by friends that keep a large flock of chickens for eating. They don't know what breed she is and I haven't been unable to find out through research either. She is very large and very heavy. I'm going to attempt to attach a picture. She is orange with...
  8. Oldegarlicshnapp

    Tips for a lonely hen?

    I have a pet hen who I’ve been trying to keep company by setting her up with roosters. There’s been two burned through already! One had neurological issues, so he stopped eating. The second drowned yesterday. I worry for my hen since animals are prone to some pretty bad depression. I’ve also...
  9. L

    Chick hatched late and is having trouble fitting in with the other chicks

    Most of my chicks hatched on day 20 but one hatched on day 23, now that the chick has dried mostly it sits at the window of the incubator crying for attention and i mean CRYING😭 I feel so bad for it but it just isnt quite strong enough to take on six curious and somewhat mean chicks, these...
  10. S

    Noisy chick!

    I need help! I have two chicks both 5 days old. The past two days around 7pm onwards the bigger of the two starts cheeping his head off. So loud I can hear him from downstairs over the tv. I’ve made sure they have eaten (constant supply of food) and they have clean water. I’ve raised the brooder...
  11. StopTheWorldIWantToGetOff

    Lonely hen with leaky vent - worried about introducing another

    Hi all, I'm looking for advice please. I have a lone hen who has a damaged vent and seems to leak urates causing damp messy feathers below her vent. She is otherwise healthy. She is however, IMO lonely and I would like to get her a companion but I am very worried that another hen would pick on...
  12. chickennl0ver

    baby chicken lonely

    so we got 6 chicks in the spring, but very sadly 5 of them passed away recently due to a fox attack, but one survived. we have spent the last week or so tending to her wounds. as of now shes doing a lot better than she was at first, shes even starting to walk on her own (she has an injury on her...
  13. A

    lone goose

    about a month ago i found a goose at my local feed store. he was very disabled and his legs and neck weren't working. the man said if i didn't take him he would probably cull him as he cannot sell him so he gave him to me for free. well fast forward one month and we have a very healthy strong...
  14. A

    Ducks Attacked By Raccoon

    Hi! I have been raising three mallard ducklings the last month or so. This morning awoke to find that a raccoon had managed to get into their cage area and killed two of my ducklings. I’ve had them since May 10th, so they are about 6 weeks old. I know that ducks are very social animals and do...
  15. L

    Bantam and jap quail?

    Ive got a 1 year old quail hen whose sister passed away recently, i was wondering if i could introduce a bantam chicken of some sort to her, she is rather kind she has never attacked any bird in her life and shes so lonely but i cannot get another quail and they’d probably attack her anyway...
  16. S

    To rehome or not?

    Hi all, I have owned two silkie chickens (Dolly and Elvis) for the past 10 years but unfortunately today Elvis was put down. Obviously the two were very close and I'm lost as to what I should do with poor Dolly. As she is 10 years old I think that rehoming might be a bit too stressful for her...
  17. FathertoFeathers

    Because I loved her

    A few months ago we got some baby chicks from tractor supply. The first few weeks went by fine and nothing really happened. Then they got to the age where they could be out in the coop. I will forever regret that decision. We put them out and they seemed to like it. They had fun in their new...
  18. A

    Wanted girlfriend for young lonely roo in Portland

    Someone dumped a very young rooster in my yard. Im guessing hes about 2 months old, he's kind of tall but still chirps and trills like a chick.I have no experience with juvenile chickens but so far he is very sweet very clingy very lonely . He fights and talks to himself in the mirror and will...
  19. ChemicalchiCkns

    Do you know the chiCken plan, the chiCken plan, the chiCken plan...

    (Sung to the tune of "muffin man") I am now permanent at work and proposing to move the next County over (maybe) and also own a place, that will have some CYCENS on it. This is a large amount of Work, but my current land lord is dubious and it is a rental of course. Others have gotten their...
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