neck injury

  1. JulieSHDK

    Hen caught by fox - alive but has a neck injury. Any hope?

    Hi, I'm new to keeping chickens and I got my first pair this summer. The fox has been here twice now and the first two are no longer. It's sad and a bit discouraging, but at least the fox took them away. My problem is the one he left behind. I caught him yesterday with my brown italian's neck...
  2. Chickenpapa77

    Neck vertebrae growth in pullet (not wry neck)- turkey issue?

    Hi, My 19 week old snuggle bug Fiona seemed unable to tear clover 2 days ago and yesterday she was very tired and off balance not eating or drinking and holding head funny. Got into a chicken vet and they found abnormality on one side of one vertebrae as though swollen vertebrae. I don’t...
  3. G


    I have a chicken with a severely deformed neck. Issue presented itself about 4 days ago and all I've been able to think and do is isolate, give her asprin and soak her food...she looks to be in severe pain and I don't have any idea what is wrong with her. Would it be a broken neck? She doesn't...
  4. O

    Hen cannot pick up head

    A fox attacked out flock on the 15th and two were taken. One of them was found injured and wouldnt move. She is now inside and cannot keep up her head. She keeps it down, by her feet. She tried to pick it up but couldn't get it above her chest. I held her head up and slowly let go and she...
  5. O


    A fox attacked out flock on the 15th and two were taken. One of them was found injured and wouldnt move. She is now inside and cannot keep up her head. She keeps it down, by her feet. She tried to pick it up but couldn't get it above her chest. I held her head up and slowly let go and she...
  6. ducklover128

    Muscovy duckling broken neck?

    I went to check on our 9 muscovy babies, and one was standing on another ones neck. It isn't moving very much at all, it's pupils are going big and small, big and small real fast. I can feel her breathing and she is moving around a little. What can I do? She is wrapped in a towel in my lap for...
  7. Coletrain

    Weird neck injury

    My chicken was attacked, it appears to have a neck injury, but is still ver much alive. It is trying to move its neck but cannot, it also has this weird mucus
  8. R

    Injured neck

    Hi! A very small dog attacked my chickens. One of the chickens suffered a small puncture wound, which we have cleaned and she seems to be fine with that. However, I think she has some other type of neck wound. Her neck is “sunk down” and she is having a hard time eating off the ground and...
  9. SunnySideSilkies

    Silkie Attacked, Neck wound. Need Help

    Contains graphic images My silkie hen was attacked by something today (12/27) around 12pm is when I found her. she has a very large "hole" in the back of her neck. I believe that I can see blood vessels and her trachea/esophagus (whichever one sits in the back of the neck). she is alive and...
  10. kenzg_05

    Massive neck wound, gross video included

    This is my first time posting here so I hope it will reach someone who can help. I came home from work to find my four month hold w a massive wound on the back of her neck. I can see her neck muscles & bones & it’s quite gruesome to me. To my surprise, she doesn’t even look like she cares. She’s...
  11. S

    Hen got attacked by some animal at night. Now she is sleeping whole day, and her neck is hanging down. Please help ...

    Day before yesterday night, my daughter forgot to close the gate, and some wild animal ( we assume wild cat ) entered and attacked a hen. We heard the sound, when we reached there soon, she was alive and, there was some blood on the ground. I couldn't find any major injury. Today is the 2nd day...
  12. P

    Crooked Neck in Quail Chick

    Hi all, whilst I was at work yesterday one of my quail chicks somehow injured their neck and I came home to find it at an angle to the side. It doesn’t seem to hurt them too much as they still forage and drink, and I can rotate their head gently between my fingers without noticeable distress...
  13. cataxy

    chick swallowed its tongue?

    just a few hours ago i had a baby chick (around 2 weeks old.) on my shoulder, and he was pecking my mouth. then he tried to drink some of my spit (i dont know why.), and then afterwards he shook his head and flung water from his mouth everywhere. he was gasping for air. slowly he calmed down...
  14. analyticalblonde

    Horrible Neck Injury...Caused by (maybe) 23 week old Rooster

    My Lavender Orphinton, Sue - the sweetest girl I have that follows me around like a puppy - was severely injured today...about 2 hours ago. I have 13 chickens: 12 are hens; 1 Rooster. He is about 23 weeks old and in the past month, he's started showing his rooster behaviors. I am not absolutely...
  15. S

    Silkie chick swollen featherless neck pecking wound pictures included

    4-5 week old silkie chick. Developed small wound weeks ago assumed from pecking dispute due to small brooder. Only two chicks in brooder. Both placed in very large brooder, site cleansed and Neosporin, and no pick applied. Feathers appeared to be filling back in, 3 days ago feathers spear to be...
  16. M

    Polish Bantam Chick Neck/Head Problems: What I Learned + Thank You

    This post is a post-mortem of my experience with a week-old polish bantam female chick that could not hold it’s head up and could not drink water. After 3 days of trying several tactics to keep the bird hydrated and fed, I paid $200 to a veterinarian to try to diagnose the problem, ultimately...
  17. K

    Large wound on hens neck***WARNING PHOTO***

    It’s going on 4 days now since 4 of my hens were attacked, 3 of which died. The one that survived has a large open wound on the back of her neck. I’m pretty sure I interrupted whatever animal it was that was attacking my hens because the bodies were still warm and one was still alive. I...
  18. W

    Quail chick curled toes neck twisted can't walk just flops.

    7th Quail chick curled toes neck twisted can't walk just flops. It thiss is my first batch and other ones are perfect this little guy finally broke free the moment I decided to help him cause he looked like his head was upside down in egg and he struggled in the same spot. Been when he broke...
  19. Shaycres

    Help! What's wrong with my goose?

    Yesterday my goose was perfectly normal. Today I got home from work and she seems to have a very crooked neck. What's wrong with her, and what do I do?
  20. tswanick

    Chicken head caught in solar powered door

    Greetings All, Last night, while I watched from the porch, two chickened lingered at the door at dusk. The door started coming down and one chicken seemed to feel it on her back and came out of the coop, the second chicken wasn't so lucky. The door seemed to hesitate on the back on the...
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