new flock members

  1. D

    Bringing Ducklings to Work?

    My duck passed yesterday while we were out of the house. It was very sad since her partner, a pekin, was with her dead body for hours until we got home and realized what had happened. Immediately, I looked for a new duck to adopt so Popcorn, our surviving duck, wouldn't have to be alone for too...
  2. B

    BearBee Intro

    Hello!! I’m Bear4Bee (BearBee or Bear), I’m excited to join and geared with questions!! Are they relavent? Possibly! Are they about chickens? Right this second, absolutely! Shall we continue? Why not! (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes and No. No: I have had a...
  3. K

    Introducing chicks to flock

    Hey everyone! We have 6 chickens that are about 13 weeks old and have been living outside for over a month in a smaller coop next to our original flocks big coop. We free range so the little ones have been free ranging for a couple weeks from morning til evening along with our original flock...
  4. S

    How to introduce a flock of new birds to my one chicken?

    Hi, I’m looking for help/ideas on how I go about introducing a new flock of 4 chickens to my coop that has only one lady left? Her two friends died recently and I’d like to get more chickens, but she really is flighty and nervous and the stress has caused her to stop laying. So I’m worried about...
  5. L

    Introduction- New to the BYC World

    Hello! As a first time chicken owner I am so happy I have found this community. I have had so many questions and this forum has really helped answer some of my questions! Thank you! (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? We got 4 @ 4 weeks on March 7th Currently...
  6. H

    New Hens won’t roost with old Hens

    Hey guys I have 8 hens 2yrs old and 8 4-5 month old hens (maybe a rooster too) At night my older hens head to the coop and my younger ones stay down and lay in the dog crate they were raised in. How do I go about making them go up in the roost with the older hens?
  7. A

    Pecking Order Questions

    I've had 3 normally laying rhode island red hens, and i just added 2 barred rocks and 1 buff orphington. Obviously, they started pecking each other, mainly the rhode island reds (Hot Sauce, Princess Carolyn, and Lady Peckinpaw) were the ones doing the pecking. So when are they going to finish...
  8. ZorotheDuck

    Introducing new ducks to geese

    We have 3 American Buff Geese who are <1 year old (born in March). We think we have 1 female and 2 males (based on size). One gander is not super friendly (also not aggressive), the female is sweet but sometimes a bully to our female ducks, and the other gander (and the biggest goose) is a total...
  9. Nats Chickens

    My second half of the flock!

    This thread is about my baby chickies, well, they are 15 weeks tomorrow, but still the babies. We have 4 older hens but I am not going to talk about them at the moment. This is a week by week guide to what happened when I raised my chicks. [pics included]
  10. WildCHILD400

    Help Coryza!

    HELP! I have two golden laced wyandottes, an isa brown and a Cochin frizzle bantam. I have them strictly as pets and laying purposes. I have a friend who rescued a few chickens from a barn turns out 3 out of 4 were roosters and she discovered she couldn't keep Roos in her subdivision an didn't...
  11. mamahen315

    need help mingling my new chickens to the old ones

    Hi! Long story short I had five Rhode Island Reds,about 1 year old, but now I only have three... I've been wanting to add more to my flock and tonight I have. I got two langshan chickens who are also 1 year old. I probably shouldn't have put them all together right away cause within minutes...
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