
  1. F

    Can these ducklings

    Can these babies go outside with the rest of my ducks ? Afraid of hawks they have there shelter and such all fenced in but obviously a hawk could still fly up there roughy 3lbs to 4lbs adult feathering on chest tail and coming in on the wings they are Muscovy ducklings thank in advance ☺️
  2. C

    Introducing chicks outside

    I have month old Splash laced red Wyandotte chicks. I want to introduce them outside as they have only been in the brooder, but here in Michigan it has been cold for a bit. Highs of around 50. What temp is ok to start introducing them outside.
  3. C

    Run extension - electric fence?

    We have 6 chickens (would like to get 3 more). We have a coop that is 6' x 8'. The run is 6' x 13'. We will be extending the run by another 8 feet this summer. In the meantime, I'd like to give the girls more free-range room if possible. Has anyone done this for day use with an electric...
  4. Ittybittyschmidtie

    Can I take my chickens out on a field trip?

    15 chickens are 5 weeks Friday. It’s 60 sunny and they are fully feathered Can I take them out in the run? I’ve been keeping the window open everyday to provide fresh natural air. They seem done with the heat lamp They hate it inside I feel horrible
  5. C

    When can I bring baby chicks outside for a bit?

    I have some Easter eggers turning 4 weeks old next week and brahmas turning 2 weeks old (I know the brahmas still need some time) and days here are getting into the mid 60s-70s, when can I start bringing my chicks outside to play/explore a bit (in a pinned area) is there a certain temp I should...
  6. A

    Are my chicks too young to be outside?

    Hi! I am brand new to chicken raising, I have 4 Mille fleur d’uccles and 1 that I think might be an Easter egger (the saleswoman at TSC said they were all silkies, they are not 😂) they are 15 days old. We live in Florida and it’s been about 85 degrees here, and I’ve been bringing the chicks...
  7. Browniethechicken

    HELP! Can I put my chicks outside before 6 week?

    I have 3 week old chicks and I would like to put them outside in my coop/run without heat source at 5 weeks. Is this safe/okay? I understand 6 weeks is fully feathered and the customary time to put them outside. I live in Massachusetts and weather can be all over the place in September and...
  8. creedatticus

    Is it normal to let chickens out in yard?

    our yard doesn’t have a fence and we have lots of raccoons. Is it normal to let our chickens out during the day right now they just stay in their coop and run, mostly in their run. I’m a little bit worried for our chickens because they could run away or something else could get in. Should we let...
  9. RebelEgger

    Do you put your plants outside?

    Hello!! I am a relatively new plant mom, I've been getting serious about this since about January and have a nice little collection now. They just brighten up a space! I have a Bird of Paradise I bought from Home Depot 2-3 months ago, I just finished treating it for spider mites (my first time...
  10. B

    Going outside?

    Here is a picture of our chicks. They seem to have full feathers or at least a good amount of them. My question is when are they ready to go out? They are roosting and flying out of their brooder. But the lows are like 23 at night here this next week and I don’t want them getting too cold too...
  11. B

    Outside or too young?

    Hello, so these are our cute little Olive Eggers. They have been testing out their wings the last couple of days, and have also really started scratching and foraging the bottom of the pin. I was wondering if they are too young to go one supervised visits outside. I am guessing they are about 2...
  12. Duckling


    One of my babies enjoying the sun!
  13. 4

    Outdoor quail cage for sale

    Does anyone know if there is a vendor for quail cages specifically for outdoor use?
  14. Jlmiller5289

    Can my crazy chicks go outside? :)

    First time chicken owner here 😅 I have 4 chicks that I picked up on 3/21. I’d guess they are almost 5 weeks old? (Assuming they were 2 days or younger when I got them, they will be 5 weeks on this Friday) They all feathered out very fast and I can’t find any obvious fluff left on them. They...
  15. RussellOR

    Is this baby enclosure safe??

    Hi chicken tenders, it's going to be a warm sunny 80 degree day here today and my chickies are 2.5 weeks old. I'm eager for their first excursion outside but I'm not confident that bringing them out with no enclosure is safe, and I'm also not sure if this large baby gate is safe for them. I have...
  16. chickenchicklady

    Treats for meatbirds

    Is it advised against to give meat birds treats? Specifically oatmeal? It’s a cold day today, and I just moved my 4 week olds to the tractor yesterday. I can tell they’re a bit chilly, I was thinking maybe I’d give them warm bowl of oatmeal to warm them up.
  17. chickenchicklady

    Raising meat birds outside

    At what point can I move my chicks from their brooder to their chicken tractor? They’re a week old right now. Out temperatures are 30s-50s at night and 70-80s in the day. They’re out growing their brooder faster than I had expected.
  18. N

    Alone pullet and introducing new chicks.

    I have the worst luck. I purchased 6 chicks and ended up with only one pullet she’s now 8 weeks old. The 5 roos were sent back yesterday. I purchased 2 new chicks but they are only 5 weeks old (one speckled Sussex, and one golden sexlink), I didn’t want my female to be alone. I have yet to...
  19. Chicken run123

    Is it too early for freedom???

    We have three road island reds. I think they are about three weeks old. I have been letting them out in a wire box staked to the ground and I give them food and water. I make sure that they have both shade and sunshine. It’s about 80 or 85 degrees outside. They seem to do fine but should they be...
  20. catcat

    Young 'uns don't want to go outside

    I have five new pulets (7 weeks old or so) who are now bunking with my 5 older hens in the shed that is their coop. But the pullets have been staying in the shed all day every day. It's been almost a week now. I'd like to see them get some fresh air (shed's getting hot during the day now.) Do I...
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