
  1. Just Rosie

    Blue Paint Silkie?

    Hello all, I have a silkie pullet that I bred that does not look like a normal paint. Her spots are very dilute, she looks like a blue paint. I'm wondering if anyone knows the genetics behind blue paint? My understanding with typical paints is that a bird with a dominant white gene breeds with...
  2. Timbers Happy Hens

    Silkie sop paint rooster

    Hello, I’ve been growing out this paint silkie rooster for awhile. He’s about 6 months old, just wanted to share and gets some feedback on his type, I’m still learning about the sop and am trying to improve my stock. Can add more photos if needed P.s. Please ignore his eye, he got pecked so...
  3. Timbers Happy Hens

    Silkie color question

    Does anyone know what the possible colors are if you were to pair a paint silkie rooster to blue partridge or grey silkie hens? There’s very few resources I’ve been able to find on grey and partridge color genes, I have eggs hatching tomorrow and I’m really curious on what colors to expect.
  4. Cloverr39

    Would a BBS + paint pen be possible?

    I want to work towards BBS + paint in my silkies. I don't actually have a desire to breed splash right now, so it would be black, blue and paint. From my understanding if I bred a black rooster with my black, blue, blue cuckoo and paint hens I would get: Black, blue, cuckoo (males only), blue...
  5. Cloverr39

    Does white over black always cause paint?

    I have a heterozygous dominant white rooster with multiple black hens and one blue cuckoo hen. I thought that when bred to a black hen (when he actually gives his copy of white to a chick) it would always result in paints. So far I've only managed to hatch one paint and many, many plain whites...
  6. S

    Pain/seal on hutch

    I was just curious what kind of paint/sealant for wood do you all use for your quail coops and hutches? My first time with quail and i want a safe option for them obviously.
  7. Cloverr39

    Whats the difference between back from paint breeding and black from black+black breeding?

    Okay, so I've seen a lot of people saying that they are using for example: a black rooster from paint breeding. Does it make a difference though? Because as far as I know the dominant white from paint can't be recessive, so why does it matter if the black chicken's parents were black or paint...
  8. Cloverr39

    Is he dominant white?

    I have this silkie boy. I'm 90% sure his mom was paint and dad was buff (came from a mixed color pen. My guess is based off the photos I was sent). I really want to breed either paints or bbs. I was thinking I'd keep black hens and 2 roos - one blue or blue partridge and this boy. I've been...
  9. HenriettaPizzaNolan

    Ella the Painted Lady

    We're having our house's exterior painted. I get a knock at the door a little bit ago, and it's the painter. He says, "I'm so sorry but one of your chickens got paint on her!" I walk out and sure enough, Miss Ella was there, covered in paint, with the other hens trying to peck the paint off her...
  10. Quacking ducks

    New duck/chicken house

    I’m working on building a new duck house. What is the best thing to use for the inside ( the walls, floor and ceiling). Paint or sealer?
  11. D

    Champagne leakage in paint silkies

    Hi, I have paint silkies but they have champagne leakage in the hackles, especially the rooster. Is there a way to breed it out and what causes it?
  12. TundraFang

    Silkie Colors

    I just hatched 7 Silkie chicks that were listed as assorted colors. All of them are black or white except two. One is either a splash or a paint (not sure how to tell) and the other I have no idea. Does anyone know what color they'll be I'm? I'm pretty new to silkies so any additional...
  13. H

    Need Help with Paint Options/Other Ideas for my pre-fab coop!

    I am getting a pre-fab coop that's made with untreated wood from Tractor Supply for three hens: I am planning on painting both exterior and interior and I would like some suggestions. It is important to...
  14. BuffManM

    Paint silkies genetics

    Hi guys, am I correct in saying if I use a paint silkie cockerel with a paint silkie hen the offspring will be 100% paint? I’ve attached the silkies in question. thanks :)
  15. ARM5078

    What color should I paint my coop?

    Silly question, but what color would you paint the coop? It's going to be seen right as you pull up into our parking area, so I'd like it to go with our home in some way. I'd appreciate all suggestions! I need to paint the coop itself as well as the metal roof!
  16. BackItUp.PlayItSlow

    Silkie Roosters, Massachusetts

    Hi all! I have a couple silkie roosters I am looking to rehome- my flock is too small to keep all of them. I hatched them in August, and they’ve now started mating. If anyone is interested I’m located in the Newburyport, MA area. Photos attached!
  17. Just Rosie

    Mixing paint and BBS silkie hens with black rooster?

    Hey guys, So I recently decided that I want to show/breed silkies. At first, my plan was to breed BBS, like I did with my Ameraucanas. Then I met the paint silkie. One small silkie chick with a big black spot on her butt and I’m hooked. Unfortunately, she was the only paint I bought. The...
  18. Oz Chook

    Paint for inside Paint, coop colour

    We've bought a new coop to replace our old one. I'm painting this one instead of leaving it bare wood. My question is, do I paint the inside where they sleep a dark colour to make it cosy to sleep? I've seen some mixed ideas, some are saying to paint it white to make it 'bright and fresh'...
  19. B

    Safe/durable paint for hardware cloth in chicken area?

    What paint would you recommend that would be food-safe / chicken-safe to use on hardware cloth wire that will be in a garden and chicken area? Thanks!
  20. AmandaVirginia

    Paint Silkie Chicks!

    One silkied paint and one frizzled paint, $20 for the pair together. Hatched on Valentine’s Day The fully grown paint hens are the beautiful birds these pretty babies hatched from :love Located in Panama City Beach, FL
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