polish bantam

  1. T

    Bearded polish to non bearded polish.

    Hello so I have Two polish chicks. One is bearded,I was wondering if I were to cross them will I get bearded/non-bearded polish?
  2. M

    ISO Bantam Polish Hatching Eggs (Virginia)

    Hi! We are looking for some bantam polish hatching eggs. We have a few polish bantam hens in our flock and we’d like to add more. Thank you!
  3. Sequoia Raven Bird Farms

    What is my Polish/Ameraucana chick's gender?

    :pop :frow:D Hillo, I'm S Raven. I have 4 pullets / cockerels that I don't know the sex of. I'm hoping you fellow chicken fanatics will help me decipher the genders of these lads and ladies. There is multiple breeds in my beautiful collage, and I'm hoping for any suggestions on the full mix...
  4. M

    Sexing 7 week old Pekin bantam, Polish and silkie !!! Help!!!

    Hi everyone, This is my first time having chicks but we had a v.stubborn broody silkie so I twist DH arm into buying her some day old chicks (chickens for my chicken don’t count right) … I think I may have had worst luck and have all boys . They are 7 weeks old today. I’m hoping to still keep...
  5. P

    Best pairings? Polish Bantams

    Long time lurker, first time signing up and posting! tl;dr What pairings will result in the best coloured chicks? I have quite a pretty bunch of polish at the moment but new to colour genetics and matter how much Google trawling I do, I just can't seem to get to grips with the base elements I...
  6. twilcox1984

    Polish cross colors

    Hello y’all…. Sooo I’ve looked all over and can’t seem to get an accurate answer. I have a golden laced polish rooster crossed with white crest black polish hen, hatching eggs in incubator. Will they be black? Can they be sexed by color? Please help!!
  7. M

    Polish breeding project with tolbunt rooster

    So we picked up a frizzle polish rooster at an auction a couple months ago. We couldn’t pass him up as he was a beautiful color and was being picked on and missing feather. This is the first o have ever owned polish chickens but he has made me fall in love. He is the sweetest rooster we have...
  8. 3D6A3907-FFFD-4EE2-B494-A0BD346E87C1.jpeg


    Oddball, bantam white crested black polish
  9. Nowchick


    Is my Polish chicken a hen or a roo? She is about 4 and a half months. She’s not crowing but loud and in charge. She is definitely redder and bigger around the face than the other two. What do you think?
  10. Cherrybeeboo

    6 week Polish and serama sexo

    Hey so i made one of these when the chicks were way too young but at this point they seem to be growing all their feathers and wattles are starting to show There are three polish (black beak and two unnammed as they have been twins that i cant tell apart until now) and a serama (buttercup my...
  11. Cherrybeeboo

    Any ideas of if my chicks are male or female?? (Bantam polish and a bantam serama)

    Hi! This is my first post on here but I recently got my first chicks and I’m starting to get worried if I have a few cockerels( I tried my hardest to see if I could sex them with the tips I found online when I picked them out ), I have 3 polish bantam chicks and a bantam serama the polish are...
  12. fatsGREENgarden

    Polish girl or boy

    Came from the “assorted polish” bin at the feed store. About 7 weeks old. Can anyone tell wether it’s a boy or girl?
  13. W

    Aggressive chick, could it be a cockerel?

    I have three almost four week old chicks, all different breeds. I know silkies and polish are notoriously hard to sex, but my polish seems very aggressive. Anytime they are out in the yard it jumps up and flies toward the other two. Then starts chest bumping. It also always gives me what I call...
  14. S

    Need Help Sexing/Gendering Appenzeller, Barnevelder, and white crested Polish bantams

    Hi, I need help sexing these Appenzeller Spitzhauben, Barnevelder and white crested Polish chicks! I bought one of each of these and a white bearded silkie that the seller guaranteed is a girl or I can bring it back for a laying female or 2x money back. They are all 6-7 weeks old I have a...
  15. S

    Can I put silkies, polish, appenzeller Spitzhauben and barnevelders together in the same Coop without bullying?? How loud are the apps and the barns?

    Hi. I have a very large coop and run that is 100% shaded and has lots of ventilation and is very high with multiple perches at varying heights. I have 3 feeders and 3 waterers. The whole coop and run are 100% protected from predators and extremely spacious, it's a gigantic Kingdom for...
  16. S

    ISO quality Silkie/Show girl/frizzle /Polish eggs near Central texas/austin

    I am looking for high quality silkie, show girl, frizzle and polish eggs near central texas. I have tried several rounds of shipped eggs and my postal service has severely mishandled them so ideally I want to drive to pick some up. I would be open to trying shipped again if you are a bit closer...
  17. Chimkimem30

    New chicken mama

    Hello everyone! My name is Emily, I'm 29 (30 in june!), I'm from Oakland county Michigan, and I'm new to the chicken community. We recently bought our first house and are expecting our third child at the end of March, we have just started looking into chickens and quails for our new home. And im...
  18. Adil_Ali

    breeding polish chicken and colors

    Hey there, I wanted a general opinion of the public, if you had to choose from buff laced polish or golden laced polish, which one would you go for ? Cheers Adil
  19. Adil_Ali


    Hey there, im a breeder and have been breeding for the past 2 years, I breed Brahma chickens, but recently I've been attracted a lot to the polish chickens, however, I only want to select one color and breed the polish's, I came down to 2 options, the buff laced color or the white-crested black...
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