
  1. buuzbee

    New to the forum, looking for quail info

    Hi Group, I'm Anna and I live in Southern California. After having racoons eat the fish in our pond over the years, we did what we always wanted to do and enclosed our pond, turning it into an aviary. We have a couple of budgies and bourke already in the house, and plan to add finch, diamond...
  2. cueduckv

    How to catch a duck in a pond?

    Hi! I recently just adopted this adult female khaki Campbell duck 2 days ago and she hasn’t left the pond since. This is unsafe because I live in an area with a lot of predators. I have been trying to catch her to bring her up to her house but I have been unsuccessful for the past 24 hours. I...
  3. C

    Introducing new ducks/geese to an old goose - Tips?!

    Hi! I am looking for advice on if I should introduce a goose or a duck to our pond to keep an old goose company. I know NOTHING about water fowl. We bought a farm a few years ago with a pond. The pond had 2 geese and 2 ducks on it for YEARS. They’ve been here much longer than us and live self...
  4. cassandrapettersson

    Turtles for the pond?

    Okay so, Me and my mom have been wanting to dig a pond for a while now, and we've been interested in getting a turtle(s) for it. Though there are a few things we are uncertain about nor can find information on the web for. We live in sweden, it gets real cold here. Average temp in the winter...
  5. D

    Ducks Won't Go Into the Pond

    Hi all! I haven't been on here in a couple years and laughed to see that my last post was "ducks won't come OUT of the water!" 😂 Sadly since then we lost all of our ducks (f&^*&^ mink!). About 6 weeks ago we got 5 new female Cayuga ducklings. We started out with them inside in a brooding box...
  6. D

    Questions regarding a mixed flock

    So I will be adding ducks to my existing chicken flock. I plan on building them their own coops, and adapting the feeders to accommodate the ducks (and get a whole flock feed). As I think about what I'll need to change the thing that concerns me at the moment is having something for the ducks...
  7. Launchpad

    Otter in the duck pond

    So a few months ago my father thought we had a nutria in the pond, based on the tell-tale bubbles from swimming underwater. I had never seen it This morning I saw our bit it seems to be a Texas River otter I know they are predators but have never dealt with one. The ducks are all large...
  8. Fuhoo

    Using Duck Aquaponics to filter pond water and produce duck feed?

    I'm currently in the planning stage of adding ducks and a small pool/pond for my backyard and have been doing a lot of research into keeping the pond clean from the nasty duck poop😵‍💫. We've owned ducks before and yeah, they muck it up fast. Which is what brought me to researching Aquaponic...
  9. C

    Laying in pond!

    I have three female ducks that I haven’t seen one egg from. I assume they’re laying in our pond (natural), and they are fenced in with our 27 chickens. They don’t go in at night, and even if they did they’d be let out at daybreak with the chickens. They have a house that they rarely use and...
  10. goatsandpeacocks

    How to keep water moccasins out of my duck pond

    I’m making a new duck enclosure that will be chain link fenced in for 5 (maybe more) ducks. It includes a pond but i’m not sure how to deter snakes. I’ve looked up plants that deter snakes but don’t know which are safe for ducks. Should i put fish in the pond to eat frog eggs so there’s no food...
  11. M

    How do you catch a sick duck in a pond - she can't get out

    Hi, My lovely Cayuga (Coogie) has hurt one leg, maybe because with the drought there are a lot of exposed rocks at the edge of my natural, spring-fed 1/2 acre pond. We built a ramp to help the ducks in and out when the water levels started to fall a month ago. She has tried to stand at the end...
  12. C

    My ducks are scaredy-cats

    Hi all, so I recently built a pond for my 4 ducks (7 feet wide, 4.5 feet deep) and the ducks naturally loved it immediately. We couldn’t keep them out while we were building it! Well as of lately they have been hesitant going in. The past few days they will approach the pond and examine it...
  13. rjmyooper

    Not new to BYC. New to birds.

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Many of you know me a little, and I'm grateful for your help and friendship. I've never done one of these interviews, so I feel as if I skipped a step. New to Ducks. I'm getting 12 Khaki Campbell Ducklings on June1st. Already...
  14. IvysAnimals

    Predator Proofing Coop, Help PLS!

    Hi.. I am really thinking about predator proofing my coop really soon before more predators start coming around. I've had ducks get taken away or injured, I really don't want to kill or relocate the animal and I want to spend more money on protecting my babies. I want to put posts in, hardware...
  15. M

    Ill mallard?

    We have a pond in our garden and mallards like to stop off and have a feed or take a dip in it. I’m recent weeks a single mallard male has been visiting the pond and he has feathers missing around his neck, a limp, He sits next to the pond most of the time, poops extremely frequently, and sits...
  16. rjmyooper

    Just starting in 2022

    Hello! I don't have much to share yet, but this Summer I will have 4 Welsh Harlequin Hens and 1 Drake. I wasn't planning on a Drake at first, but I may as well since I'm ordering Ducks anyway, and they will all be the same age. The picture below shows a beautiful Bahama Pintail Duck. I came...
  17. pondfriend


  18. A

    What to do when you first get waterfowl?

    Am I just overthinking this- or what do we need to do to “settle” ducks and geese into living at our farm pond? Do they need to be locked in a pen up there before letting them roam the pond? If so how long? After I have waterfowl living there and want to introduce new- do I need to follow the...
  19. Waterfowllady

    Pond Building?

    So I have a 4'x4'x37" pool I plan on using for some smaller ornamental duck species but if it is possible I'd like to build a pond. I could do a full on drain with the plumbing and all but I have lots going on and don't know if I want to take that on as another project. I heard about someone...
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