purple comb

  1. Lars Peter

    One lonely hen left. And she might be sick :(

    Hi again, We have lost Tove, our 6 year old French Copper Maran. Now, only 5 years old Tonny is left: (Me and Tonny in the garden) Now, it might be hypokonder, since we just had to deal with a very sick Tove, but sometimes the tip of her comb turns sliiightly purple, and it also seems slightly...
  2. HenriettaPizzaNolan

    Purple and drooping comb, no appetite, poopy butt, etc.

    Anyone have any ideas what could be wrong with my hen? Could it be organ failure? She is an older (unsure of the age but definitely 4+) RIR. Her name is Reba. Here are her symptoms: -Drooping comb with the ends turning purple -No appetite (refused scratch just now) -Poopy butt - I noticed it...
  3. M

    Lethargic Sick Chicken - help!

    I have a 3 year old buff Orpington that we noticed had been a very swollen abdomen around the date of the 15th of March. Thinking she was possibly egg bound, we gave her an epsom salt bath but no change the next couple days. I then looked into the symptoms of water-belly. We ended up draining...
  4. W

    Purple Comb

    My Black Copper Marran has become lethargic; his comb is purple and bleeding in some areas. The temp has not gotten below 39 degrees Fahrenheit, so I am unsure if it is frostbite. It has always gone through stages where it would get a little bit of purple when he gets excited or stressed, but...
  5. J

    Rooster with purple comb?

    Hello! It looks like my rooster’s comb is starting to turn purple and his eye looks like it’s changing colors also. He was given to me a week ago in hopes that I could help with his curled toes. He’s acts normal as far as I’ve noticed. Any advice? Please help!
  6. I

    I have Red faced, purple comb, sour crop chicken that won't eat or drink water. Tail is up!

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) 1.Ameraucana, recently added (few months) definitely lighter than my other birds, including the Ameraucana I have. Just under one; she gets extremely loud screeching as if in pain before...
  7. B

    Sick 4 year old hen, purple face and trouble breathing.

    I have a four year old hen who has been sick for the last week and a half. Her face and comb are purple but don't look swollen up and she's breathing very heavily, especially when she's sitting down. She's been acting sluggish but she's still been eating and drinking, although a little less than...
  8. G

    Crown turning dark and egg brittle

    Hi there. I have recently (3 months ago) gotten 4 ISA brown hens, which have just started gradually laying eggs a few weeks ago. One of my hens however has recently been laying her eggs quite late in the day (after 3pm) and today the egg shell was slightly discoloured and quite brittle. I...
  9. zed07

    HELP! Lethargic chicken collapsed :(

    Hello! Please help~ One of our hens out of three has collapsed. This is the second time after yesterday, but she got up and acted normally after that, however this time she couldn’t manage to get herself up. She had been acting poorly a week and a half ago, she wouldn’t move much and her comb...
  10. 4


    When I saw my chicken this morning (11am I accidentally slept in) I noticed her comb was purple (only the top half.) What does this mean? What should I do? Yesterday she didn’t eat much food which is odd for her and she hasn’t laid an egg in over a week. Please help me. Her energy is good and...
  11. Kirmi8

    Purple comb on rooster.

    Any idea why this guy’s comb would be turning purple off and on? Not cold enough for frost bite. Seems normal otherwise. I don’t think it’s an injury.
  12. T

    Lethargic Cornish meat birds. Purple comb, dying.

    Hello! I have lost 4 Cornish cross in the last 3 days. They are 5 weeks old, outside in tractor. Water, move and feed every day. 24/7 food. In Michigan where temps are fluctuating right now. Removed heat a weeks ago. found two dead 3 days ago, another the following day and another this morning...
  13. Brinn1122

    Purple Comb, Drooping Wing Buff Orpington

    My buff Orpington is about 6 months old. She suffered from a prolapse in January 22. We have got it all fixed up now, her vents been closed since Sunday. She still has a few concerning symptoms though. Her comb has been changing from red to purple for the past couple days. Her left wing has...
  14. Brinn1122

    Prolapsed hen with purple comb and drooping wing

    I have a 5 month old Buff Orpington who prolapsed on Friday 1/22. She also had 2 eggs in her. A friend of ours told us we needed to push the prolapse and the egg that we could see back in, as we started to do so she strain and the egg popped out and shortly after another egg followed. We believe...
  15. V

    Lethargic hen

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for a bit of advice as one of my rescue hens has been on off looking under the weather. We've had her since January and up until around October she was doing well. She has seen a vet a few times since then but we are not within an area that has a specialist that deals...
  16. Georgeschicks

    2 two and a half year old hens stopped laying

    hello! my two and a half year old bcm and delaware hens stopped laying recently. the bcm hasn’t been laying for a while but we didn’t realize that our delaware wasn’t laying until this week bc we had two other hens who layed similar eggs. the bcm i posted about previously and people told me she...
  17. Georgeschicks

    chicken has a purple floppy comb and is not laying

    hello! I have a two year old bcm hen. she has not been laying recently but I didn’t think anything of it because she has always been a bad layer. two days ago i noticed that her comb is purple floppy and I am wondering what is wrong. her activity has been weird lately too. she often stands stock...
  18. Georgeschicks

    floppy comb?

    hi! my almost two years old bcm has a floppy comb that is also a weird color. is she ok? what should i do? usually her comb stands up.
  19. K

    Meat bird, Probably dying. Can I help her? Possible heart issue?

    I came back from setting some eggs in the incubator and when I went to do the evening move/feed noticed one of my meat birds didn’t move to the new grass, wouldn’t stand or go for the feed. I’ve moved her inside her comb is purplish she is panting and has a swollen abdomen right near her vent. I...
  20. T

    Chronic breathing issue sexlink hen 1.6 years old

    Hello all! This is my first post. I have a sexlink hen who has a chronic wheezing issue. It comes and goes. If she is agitated or she moves too quickly(runs, gets mounted) her comb and wattles turn purple and she starts wheezing with her beak open. I used to give her 1/2 ml of la 300 noro...
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