quail advice

  1. M

    Crippled chick help

    I have this sweet little late hatcher that hatched last of all 42 of my chicks. He took forever to hatch and when he finally did his toes were curled up bad. Two hours later the still hadn’t improved so I made him some little masking tape shoes and carefully arranged his toes and trimmed of the...
  2. M

    Chick stuck almost hatched

    Hey all I’m on day 19 of hatching my second batch of coturnix and I have one little guy that has almost fully hatched but has been sat like this for almost three hours. He’s trying to push out but just can’t seem to get that final push out done. Would you leave him be or help him get the shell...
  3. C

    Quail ill - can't stand, not eating or drinking

    I hope someone can advise. One of our quails has been unwell for the past 3 days. She became lifeless and floppy, couldn't seem to stand up. I wondered whether she had become a bit hot in the sun over the weekend. We've removed her from the other quails and she's in a box with food and water...
  4. M

    Weird behavior?

    I hatched these babies 6 days ago and since they hatched one of the chicks has been randomly making this weird motion. It stands there and closes its eyes and throws its head back. It opens its mouth like it’s chirping but no sounds come out. It does that for a while and then stops shakes and...
  5. Dipp

    Where do you show your quail in Australia

    I live in Australia and am a beginner to owning quail and I recently found out you can show your quail like you would a chicken, duck or turkey but when I try and research it, all that comes up is quail hunting. Is there a specific organisation you have to be signed up to? Can anyone tell me...
  6. QuailKeeperz

    Quail Questions

    Hi! So I am new to keeping quails, and hatched 1 button quail out of a group of 10 and bought 3, 1 day old japanese quail. Ive heard these together can not get along but so far they are doing well. I was looking at enrichment for them, sand baths etc and was wondering what age is best for them...
  7. quailslabyrinth

    Need help sexing coturnix quail

    Hi, I'm hoping to get help sexing my coturnix quail. It was sold to us as a hen several months ago and has always been housed with one other hen; the first coopmate it had died so we got another hen. That one has also died so currently I only have the one I'm questioning. With both hens, my...
  8. S

    Quail chick starter

    Hi guys so I’m hatching for the first time, I have had 2 button/king quail chicks hatch in the last 24 hours, I have ordered game bird starter feed, express shipping over 10 days ago but it is stuck in a depot in my state somewhere, I’ve got some chick starter feed and have ground it up and...
  9. M

    How soon will quail lay after my chckens start laying??

    Hey I wasn’t sure where to put this little question so I’m sorry if it’s not in the right place. But I was wondering how soon your quail lay after your chickens start (if you have both) My chickens just started laying here and there. Some are some are not but I just wanted to know what that...
  10. Plantasmagoria

    Egg Pricing post 2.0

    Hi there! I'm new to quail and starting a micro homestead. I'm starting off with coturnix quail and buttons, and plan to be selling eggs only right now for hatching and eating. I'm filling out all the paperwork and government stuff but I am stuck on prices. I've looked through the threads and...
  11. B

    Urgent help needed please!!! unwell quails!!!

    My male coturnix quail seems to be unwell. He isn't his normal self. Has a sad face on too. He has slight redness under his eye/above nose. He keeps itching that red area and his body too. Cries sometimes as well. Has lost a slight bit of weight but not significant . Eyes seems to be swollen. He...
  12. J

    Best Quail Feed Finish before Slaughter?

    New to the hobby, was wondering what type of Feed or additional fruits and vegetables people have added to their Quail flock before processing Males? Does the diet effect the flavor? Appreciate all replies in advance!
  13. AccidentalQuailKeeper

    Treatment Recommendations for quail with internal parasites/worms

    Hello, I have a female hen (about a year old) who I'm pretty sure has some type of internal parasites/worms and was hoping I could get some insight on others experience with using treatments like VetRx or Verm-x (or other recommendations you may have). About a month ago I noticed that she was...
  14. E

    Black material out of a quail

    Hi, I have a quail hen & she’s been having hard time since winter started, first she refused to eat & drink at all , but treating with antibiotics came back to normal. Lately she’s been smelling so bad & today it kind of exploded, she was stuck in black material coming out of her body. It was...
  15. chopin_the_quail

    New male constantly crowing

    Hi! 👋 Here's a long one to set the scene: we have a pair of quail - male (3 y/o) and female (2 y/o) that don't mate (the male is silly and prefers inanimate objects 🙄). The female broke her wing this summer and stopped laying since. We were hoping to add females to the ranks, but unfortunately...
  16. T

    Makes fighting

    Hey all, I didn’t have a successful hatch with quail this year, and ended up with two males and two females. I understand this is not a good ratio, but my options are limited. These quail hatched aug 8 and live in a 6sqft hutch and have a ramp that leads down into a fenced outdoor area...
  17. C

    Candling help

    Is this baby a goner? This is at 7 days you can see the embryo but not mmuch else going on really hope that's not a blood ring but yh any advice wouldvbe appreciated. Thankyou
  18. M

    Emergency quail help.

    Okay. So my quail has a huge swell on her joint. And it’s not going away. It has doubled in size over the weeks I don’t have an avian vet near me at all. The closest one is 200 miles away or so. They just are not common in my area. I saw someone on here who lanced their birds and I cannot find...
  19. M

    Quail Crimes and Quail Help

    Hello! I have a quail who seems to be causing issues. She has been starting to try and peck my other hens in the eyes. They are the same hens that she had flocked with for a while. The only thing that’s different is the age difference. I was told she was a jumbo coturnix (she is not) and that...
  20. M

    Quail swollen joint

    Hey guys! I have a little quail who has had a swollen joint on one leg. It has had mild improvements but was curious on other folks opinions. I don’t have an avian vet in the area. I just want to make sure she is doing well and improves.
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