
  1. Backyard chaos

    Quail is super skinny but eating- Help

    Hello! I’m back! Sadly with bad news We have jumbo Coturnix quail (sorry is spelled wrong) that recently have been moved outside in their cages as we don’t have space inside. They have been doing great until today. Me and my brother went outside to feed everyone and I noticed one of the quail...
  2. Dipp

    Where do you show your quail in Australia

    I live in Australia and am a beginner to owning quail and I recently found out you can show your quail like you would a chicken, duck or turkey but when I try and research it, all that comes up is quail hunting. Is there a specific organisation you have to be signed up to? Can anyone tell me...
  3. R

    Sexing/identifying 5wk quail chick

    Hello! I am hoping for some help sexing this 5 week old coturnix chick. It may be too early but I’m hoping to make some coop decisions soon as I’m going out of town. I’m hoping someone with more experience may have some insight. He/she was hatched from mixed coturnix eggs so I don’t know much...
  4. cathalmire

    My Easter hatchlings

    Here are my chicks from Easter hatch 😁 🐣
  5. QuailKeeperz

    Quail Questions

    Hi! So I am new to keeping quails, and hatched 1 button quail out of a group of 10 and bought 3, 1 day old japanese quail. Ive heard these together can not get along but so far they are doing well. I was looking at enrichment for them, sand baths etc and was wondering what age is best for them...
  6. hotmessmom

    Splay leg and removing from incubator

    Hey y’all! We are hatching some coturnix quail. We had about 7 hatch last night, that was late day 17, and a few more have pipped and are starting to zip this morning, early day 18! They are all looking fabulous and healthy, but I’m suspecting one chick that hatched last night has splay leg...
  7. B

    Quail incubating

    Our quail started hatching mid afternoon yesterday. We still have eggs peeping. I know I need to remove the quail 24hours after hatching. What do I do if I still have eggs peeping? Can I open it and remove the 3 quail from yesterday real quick and just spray the remaining with water even with...
  8. chopin_the_quail

    Quail breathing through his mouth (sick?)

    Hello! Looking out for my buddy of almost three years, our Coturnix quail has been breathing through his mouth all day. I don't think I've seen this before, but maybe I haven't looked closely enough? He has always been extremely calm little sleepy boy, so I don't think it's super weird, but he...
  9. quailslabyrinth

    Need help sexing coturnix quail

    Hi, I'm hoping to get help sexing my coturnix quail. It was sold to us as a hen several months ago and has always been housed with one other hen; the first coopmate it had died so we got another hen. That one has also died so currently I only have the one I'm questioning. With both hens, my...
  10. Starrponies

    Coturnix quail not laying. Why?

    I have two sets of breeding quail. They are 9 weeks old today. Ratio is 4 hens to each male. I feed them 30 percent protein game starter. They each have their own rabbit hutch that is 2ft by 4ft with an enclosed nesting area. They have free choice feed and water. They have been out in the bigger...
  11. FatherFalcon

    Covey Aviary Green House

  12. Starrponies

    I think I see my first pip! Very first hatch! I'm so excited!

    I've had quail for a while but always bought chicks! Today is day 16 on my very first eggs I have ever hatched. I am so excited and nervous!! I actually think I see the first pip! But I honestly have no idea what I'm doing! I sure hope I did everything right! :fl:wee:clap:celebrate:eek::jumpy
  13. Mo_fawaazzz

    Guinea keets get adopted by a quail..?

    I picked up two small keets from my feed store and they were super stressed. They were not eating food or drinking water, and they were absolutely terrified of humans. I heard that keeping them with chicks will make them somewhat less wild and loud. My chicks are too old to be kept with these...
  14. S

    Worms in Coop

    We raise bobwhites. We've had several rainy days. My daughter came in from collecting eggs and said they were covered in tiny worms. She showed me that the floor is covered in these tiny, almost microscopic worms. They could have been there forever and I've never noticed them. Are they a threat...
  15. quailslabyrinth

    New member; quail owner

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I actually don't have chickens, I have quails! I got my first ones in August 2023 so it's been less than a year. I'm gonna change the rest of the questions from 'chickens' to 'quail' to make things easier lol (2) How many quail do...
  16. D


    Hi guys I live in Western Australia and am currently incubating quail and chicken eggs. tonight will be day 4. please see the pictures attached Question 1 1) the incubator says 40.3 degrees Celsius 2) the one below it is a hygrometer / thermometer all in one (this sits against the wall no...
  17. B

    Quail feeling under the weather!! :(

    Female quail not looking like her usual self :( Some things I’ve noticed: White spot in her mouth and at the back of mouth/throat area. Excessive drinking as well. She is eating: quail feed Has grit with feed too Egg shells and also egg for protein and warmth (1 egg per day :)) I have given...
  18. H

    Quails Nails?

    Two of my quail - Jupiter the rooster and Eris the hen - have recently had nails come off. Jupiter's nail came off last night while I was attempting to remove a developing poop ball. Eris had a nail a week or two ago which was growing more and more yellow (see pic) and which was very, very...
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