rooster flock

  1. chooki

    How long is the longest time you have/had a rooster flock?

    I have 5 cockerels, they have been raised together from day old. They now live in 1 large coop together on our farm (girls are at suburban home). They fought before, to the point that I had to separate the two parties because they had blood all over their combs and beaks. The thing is that...
  2. GreenHaven

    Too Mean for the Flock?

    I have a separate rooster flock. Some will be kept to breed, but most will be eaten when they are older. I have 14, and they are 10 weeks old. There is one rooster (the top of the pecking order) who seems pretty mean. However, I’m a newbie, and not quite sure what I should expect. But he chases...
  3. Stefrrr

    Raising roosters

    I’m currently the “big chicken” to a flock of 28, including three cockerels I’m keeping, thanks to a huge sexing error at the hatchery. (I ordered two intending to keep one, received seven, now have four, including Stewie.) The oldest chickens are now about three months old and I have almost no...
  4. HuskerHens18

    Rooster Flock Observations

    Long story short, I was given 5 Silkie roosters. They hated my bantam flock who was working so nicely. They bullied my beautiful RIR/Silkie/Cochin and completely removed his feathers on his head and neck. So I decided to make a bantam rooster flock to put them all in and save my hens from...
  5. HuskerHens18

    Rooster flock? Questions

    As an Easter gift, a friend has given me 6 roosters and a hen for my free range flock. I "collect" roosters you could say, but it is beginning to be more than I have coop space for. I have 2 coops planned for building this spring and summer. I got this idea, and have heard it before, can I...
  6. RAA’s Birds

    RAA’s Birds

    Chickens Name: Bandit Age: Hatched September-December, 2018 (~4 years old) Gender: Hen Breed: Mille fleur d'uccle Origin: Gifted to me Name: Penguin Age: Born April 1-3, 2019 (~3 1/2 years) Gender: Hen Breed: Gold sebright Origin: Tractor supply Pigeons Name: Neet Neet Age: ~3 years...
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