
  1. Quacking ducks

    16 week old Hen or roo?

    Is this a hen or roo? It’s a lot bigger than my other young hen that’s the same age Any idea? Thanks
  2. J

    Rooster with purple comb?

    Hello! It looks like my rooster’s comb is starting to turn purple and his eye looks like it’s changing colors also. He was given to me a week ago in hopes that I could help with his curled toes. He’s acts normal as far as I’ve noticed. Any advice? Please help!
  3. B

    Gold Lace Wyandottes? Pullet or cockerel?

    First one (has #1 at bottom right) is 9 weeks old today, #2 is 8 weeks today. Thought I had these figured out but now I’m not sure. If you think cockerel, please tell me why. I know waddle comb is red, but I read Wyandottes can be tricky. Thank you
  4. Muser

    Convinced of Roo, but was a Hen?

    Has anyone ever been convinced their chicks were Cockerals/Rooster only to be surprised with a Pullet/Hen instead? If so, what were your experiences? Was it the early development of Comb/Wattles, behavior, feathering/patterns, or even the crowing? I want to hear about your sneaky tomboy hens! :D
  5. N

    Cockerel needs new home

    Located in Indianola Iowa. Cockerel hatched in April. Our neighbor and our pullets don’t love him.
  6. ColonelMustard

    New Rooster Owner

    Hello everyone. I am completely new to chickens - a rooster wandered onto our property about two weeks ago. I haven't been able to locate his owner so I figured at this point he's most likely not getting claimed. He's a polish rooster, very cautious but not aggressive. I've been able to pick...
  7. Sadie W

    Can I add a rooster to my flock of ducks?

    So I have 11 ducks and I was asked if I would take in this rooster from a friends neighbor. He is a white silkie and to the best of my knowledge he’s full grown like my ducks. Can I introduce him into my flock and if so how? I want to know before I say I can take him
  8. missmaqs


    I am drowning in frizzle chicks (black, white, brown), satin chicks, silkies - one week old. My girl hid eggs and they are everywhere. I also have a juvenile roo (black fluffy pic) and an adult Mottled Houdan Rooster. He's very friendly. I have way too many chickens, plz send help...
  9. Sliiiq

    Questions about Swapping a Rooster?? :(

    Hello, second ever post here. I’ve got three chickens, and they’re about 9 weeks old. After realizing I had a cockerel, I wanted to make sure neither of my other ones were as well. Now comes the issue of swapping him (he seems to be the top of the pecking order, considering my hens follow him...
  10. H

    why has my rooster become sleepy, he no longer makes rooster sounds, his face turned pale

    2years bym ‚he eats vegetables, grass in the yard, wheat, and compound feed, we add vitamins to the water ,at night he sleeps warmly on hay with hens, during the day he can walk wherever he wants in the yard but rarely leaves the house.
  11. H


    why has my rooster become sleepy, he no longer makes rooster sounds, his face turned pale".
  12. M

    2 Sapphire Gem Cockerels

    Two cockerels for sale Southwest OKC area. $5 a piece. They are 5 months old. We have more than we need.
  13. C

    Separate Rooster

    Has anyone ever kept a rooster completely separate from the hens? I introduced a 20 week old black Australorp rooster to my 8- 4 yo hens and he was doing great. It's been about a month he's been with them. Usually does the kittle wing dance for them to "ask permission". I have been introducing...
  14. F

    Pure Ameracauna or EE?

    Hey. I have the opportunity to get one of these boys to go with my ameracauna splash and blue hens and hopefully have more splashes, but it’s so easy to have people post as pure Ameracaunas when they’re actually Easter eggers so I was hoping I could get some second opinions?
  15. jdynan

    Accidental Roo?

    I got my beautiful birds from a local farmer who guarantees hens. I’ve always had a feeling that this was a sneaky rooster, who has been growing bigger and faster than their sisters. I wanted to ask your opinions before I bother the farmer, do you think this is a rooster?
  16. Pepperfuse

    Redness and bumps near vent

    We treated our rooster for mites a few months ago when we noticed he started limping. We kept an eye on him to make sure all the mites were gone. He kept taking turns on each leg, skin and comb looked healthy and he still seemed strong so we hoped he would improve. Unfortunately he didn't...
  17. S

    Easter Egger Roo?

    I have 2 Easter Eggers in my mini flock. They’re about 7 weeks old (I know it’s early), this one is substantially larger than the other one and its coloring is different. The hatchery I bought them from only guarantees 90% are sexed correctly. Is it possible this one is a rooster? Or do I have...
  18. Chicky_B

    Rehoming EE rooster in Georgia

    Hey guys, We have a gorgeous rooster that we can not keep due to our neighborhood policy. He is a 12 wk old EE splash rooster. We live in Marietta Georgia and we’re hoping someone would love to take care of him since we no longer can. I have pictures attached that were taken when he was 11 wks...
  19. B

    1 or 2 Roosters for Free in Batavia IL

    We got 6 'sexed' baby chicks in April and 2 turned out to be roos.. They are both smaller than all the hens that were in the group and I have included photos... If anyone is interested in 1 or 2 happy to meet you somewhere... They seems gentle so far but have also not turned into large birds...
  20. S

    Can anyone tell?

    I’m a newbie in the chicken world, but we bought this baby from one of our local feed bins this is Nyx and the guy who sold her to us was unsure of the breed but I am thinking either a Ameraucana or EE? Hoping someone with more experience would know lol also is it still too early to tell between...
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