runner ducks

  1. L

    2 Indiana Runner Duck Drakes in Denver, Colorado

    I have two Indiana runner ducks that I got from a farm in Fort Collins at the same time as my four chickens. They turned out to be drakes, unexpectedly, and have started to aggressively mount my chickens so it’s time for them to find a new home. Would anyone be willing and able to give Hurry...
  2. D

    Newly acquired runner ducks with possible Wet Feather

    I acquired 2x 4 year old runner ducks yesterday and now realise they don't appear to have any oil on their feathers. They don't dry out after bathing and re constantly damp and their feathers are generally in poor condition. I've read a number of articles about blocked oil glands and Wet...
  3. MeoWusical

    Runner ducks

    I want to get four female ducklings: a fawn/white runner, a magpie, a Cayuga, and a white egg layer. Unfortunately, the runner stands differently than most ducks do. Would the other ducks bully her for that difference or would they not mind? Or does it depend on the temperament? This brings up...
  4. biscotti

    Duck behaviour question: shaking heads and fast movements

    I'm wondering if any more experienced duck folk could tell me what these guys are doing? This is a google drive link to the video (It wouldn't upload it here, sorry) [video link] From my perspective it seems like they're anxious and frantically looking in multiple directions back and forth...
  5. MolliMonster99

    Advice for a disabled duck

    Hi everyone! A few years back I posted about a runner duck of mine called Frances. He was born with a limp, which after a vet appointment we discovered was caused by hip dysplasia. His vet said it was the first time she had seen it in a duck. If it was a cat or a dog they would perform a hip...
  6. R

    Runner Duck acting strange

    I have a white female runner duck who is about 3 years old. Normally well in herself. She is eating and drinking normally. Has lost no weight. But is unsteady on her feet, staying in her bedding/nest area lot, not really going to her pond much to swim. Her male partner duck is completely fine...
  7. P

    Help- how to settle runner ducks?

    Hi, I have 5 egg laying hens, and last friday I bought 3 female runner ducks. The ducks were mental when they arrived and huddled in the corner of the shed (there is a shed inside the fox-proof chicken run I lock the birds at night, with coop and lots of shelves they can perch on ) and they're...
  8. RacingRunners

    Trout Indian Runners

    Hello. I am looking for trout Indian runner ducks or eggs to hatch out. I would like some genetic diversity in my flock. Please message me if you have some or know someone who does. Thank you!
  9. B

    Day-old Indian Runner Ducklings beginner!

    Hi! I am potentially getting Indian Runner Ducklings from the local feed store, as day-olds. I am looking for information on raising them, and there is a lot of contradictory information, or info about call ducklings... but I know runners are different. I understand the early feeding, duck...
  10. zoereef1221

    Adding duck enclosure to chicken coop

    Hey everyone! Needing some insight on adding a duck enclosure to an existing chicken coop. We will have 2-3 runner ducks in here. All chickens and ducks freely free range during the day so this would just be for nighttime. We have an automatic door. So far this rough estimate is about 4.5’ x...
  11. MolliMonster99

    Runner duck molting?

    Hi everyone! My Runner duck Frances seems to be molting? He has a couple of bald spots on his wings and I can see he's got some new feathers starting to grow on the tips of his wings (you can see the feathers growing outwards). He seems to be losing more feathers than the others, but they all...
  12. D

    Indian Runner Ducks

    I’m looking to find Indian Runner Ducks in NC how do you go about finding a reputable breeder? What should I know about these Ducks? I’ve owned ducks for over 10 years now and am very familiar with peaking ducks & Muscovy. Thanks in advance!
  13. MolliMonster99

    Duck Head Bobbing?

    So, I have noticed my male Runner ducks head bob quite often, which I read is a sign of them being flirty/happy. However, in the videos I've seen of ducks head bobbing, it's repetitive. My guys only do it once, then go back to normal? I've noticed they sometimes do it in sync too. Is this normal...
  14. MolliMonster99

    Runner Ducks Mating Season?

    I have noticed my runners have started mating at almost 4 months old. The boys get on top of the girls in their pond and hold their necks down. It makes me anxious, but I know it is natural. I was wondering if ducks have a 'mating season'? Do they mate at a certain time of year only or is it a...
  15. Crazy Maizie

    Look what I just picked up!

    It just so happened one of the people I contacted had been out of town and they just answered my messages. Look at these sweet girls! I'm super excited. :celebrate 🥰
  16. MolliMonster99

    Ducks sniffing/sneezing/huffing?

    I have a group of runner ducks, a mix of males and females. Today my partner was playing with one of the females, Storm, when she started making this huffing sound? It was like the sound dogs make when they are playing. All the other ducks started to join in with this noise. Is this a cause for...
  17. J

    Looking to buy fertilized runner duck eggs

    Wanting suggestions on where to purchase fertilized (preferably fawn & white) runner duck eggs. I live in the PNW and am happy to buy local but I mostly just want to know the most trusted places. Also this is my first post so I'm not sure if I'm doing this right 😅
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