
  1. crunchygranola

    Is my chicken sick?

    I don’t have the experience yet to discern a perfectly healthy chicken from a slightly lazy one, and I’m worried one of my girls is sick. She tends to stay behind in her coop when I let the rest of her flock out to free range for a while, she has been having weird, yellow, foamy poops, eating...
  2. Chickenmother26

    Polish lethargic & pooping watery yellow/green

    Hello, thank you for reading! My polish chicken Jolene, about 2 years old, was standing with her tail down and acting lethargic so I brought her inside. Thought she just needed a haircut, but it didn’t help. Inside I noticed she was pooping watery/mucousy textured diarrhea, yellow/faintly...
  3. Jona-077

    Help me!

    Hola, tengo un gallo de 6-7 meses aproximadamente, desde ayer en la tarde en quiso comer pero si bebe agua, no quiere comer semillas, maíz ni alimento. Solo quiere comer frutas como plátano y papaya. Come en porciones pequeñas, no la veo triste ni tampoco enferma. PD: adjunto imagen de su popó.
  4. K

    HELP!! Hen might have Salmonella!!

    Earlier this week I have made another thread of my sick hen, and came to the conclusion that she might have Salmonella. She is not really eating and was drinking lots of water. Actually she may not even drinking that much water now, probably because I put garlic in it. Her comb is droopy and she...
  5. Z

    Threat of Salmonella & Your experiences

    Hey everyone! New to chicks and chickens. Ive read handling them can be a vector for salmonella - have you experienced this with yourself? with your children? Im vigilant and wash hands after handling and hand sanitizer if changing water/adding food Any anecdotal experience and advice is...
  6. TheBirdBabe

    Is this a case of mites?

    This afternoon a wild bird appeared in front of our windows. Our house is only 100 yards or so from our chicken coops. It looks sick. 😭 I was going to put it out of it's misery, but by the time I got around the house to it, it was gone. 😔 What are your thoughts?!
  7. Selka

    Curing salmonella

    We have a suspicion of Salmonella in our flock. I am waiting for the lab results, they told me Salmonella and Campylobacter are suspected, they have to isolate it. I wanted to ask - in case it proves we do have Salmonella in the flock, can it be treated? I read many articles on this topic, and...
  8. Wordstoyourface

    Injectable super b complex dose

    Hi,I am having some issues with my babys. 2 pics added of the brahma siblings, 5 weeks old,the small one died not 10 minutes ago,this is the size diff and lack of growth i am talking about,yes I washed my hands before handling the live one. I have lost far too many chicks in the past 2...
  9. heatherbeast

    CDC Salmonella and Handwashing Reminder, AGAIN

    So, people have been getting careless and forgetting to wash their hands. Lots more Salmonella cases have popped up over the summer, with a quarter of them being in young kids 5 and under. Review and reinforce that handwashing for the kiddos. These reminders go out 3-4 times a year -- the last...
  10. C

    Salmonella from compost

    I had an eastern box turtle in a 5x5’ enclosure. The substrate was some dirt but mostly COIR. The turtle is now at a museum. I wanted to take the remaining substrate and mix it into my compost pile will I risk giving my flock salmonella?
  11. B

    Are my chicks dying of coccidiosis, salmonella, or something else?

    Hey there, I'm wondering if anyone can help with some info? I had 8 chickens yesterday. Now sadly I have 4. Another might also die soon. The first one died last night, the next 3 today. I purchased them about 5 days ago and I think they were under 1 week old. So they'd be max 2 weeks now. I...
  12. kennabug987

    URGENT: Please help! My new chickens are sick!

    3 days ago, I acquired 3 Ameraucaunas from a backyard breeder (whom I have never used before) 2 pullets and 1 roo. They are 3-5 weeks of age. I noticed that their droppings were very smelly when I first got them. After a day of having them, symptoms began. I came to feed them in the morning and...
  13. Red mites : can transmit diseases & tips for prevention and monitoring.

    Red mites : can transmit diseases & tips for prevention and monitoring.

    Red mites are small parasites of about one millimeter. They cause a lot of nuisance in the hen house, and can also transmit diseases and weaken a chicken severely. Sometimes if the owner doesn’t see the red mites before the infestation gets bad, chicks and chickens can get killed by herds of red...
  14. W

    Did I just give my family salmonella?

    My mother sent me home with two dozen eggs this past Saturday and I came home and put them in my egg basket on the counter like I normally do. This morning, she made me aware that the eggs had previously been refrigerated AFTER I had already fed five of them to my family. They had previously...
  15. RM18

    Salmonella, do I kill the whole flock?

    My family contracted salmonella a few days back. (I had it for a day, my husband has had it for a week now, and my son had it for about 5 days) The bird we culled was lethargic and dirty. We killed it and got rid of it but now I’m wondering if the whole flock needs to be culled... they are all...
  16. L

    Chickens ate rat poop..salmonella concern

    My chickens definitely ate rat poop over the course of a month while trying to get a rat problem under control. I heard this is how most chickens contract salmonella. Is this true? Are wild rats carrying salmonella and spreading to backyard chickens this way? If they are infected (how would I...
  17. UrbanHenKW123


    So I'll start off by saying I'm a bit of a germaphobe. My girls are almost ready to lay. I clean out their coop once a week and give it some clean pine chips in there. I also sanitize their drinker and feeder with a vinegar solution. the run is sand based so I scoop that out once a week too. Is...
  18. L


    Hey all. I have four baby chicks, all about 2-3 weeks old. Starting about a week ago, I’ve been having frequent diarrhea, cramping, and fatigue whilst handling my chicks often. We are thinking it is salmonella since I’ve never gotten sick like this before and it would be quite a coincidence. We...
  19. Ginmary

    Chickens and Salmonella

    Hypothetical: If someone contracts Salmonella, there's a good chance that it came from one of their chickens. Most likely from their poop since if they had it in their system showing symptoms it would be obvious and be treated. I assume if it is carried only in their poop it doesn't effect...
  20. LemonyCatapult

    Any experience with salmonella?

    I lost my Silkie rooster after a short battle with a respiratory infection this week. The vet did a necropsy and believes he found evidence of salmonella but they are doing a test to make sure. I have a flock of 14 other chickens who I love dearly, they are more than livestock to me, they are...
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