
  1. NemezisStar

    Runt? Accidental bantam? First time silkie mom.

    Hi all! So 15.05 i've hatched 26 chicks. Australorps, wayandottes, marans and 3 silkies. One of them is not growing like the others and has scissore beak. I call him(her) Stefan and (s)he is sweet active chick. Every morning i feed him scrambled eggs. Every day i check his crop so i know he is...
  2. ElmCityChickens

    Chicken eye injury infection

    2 year old silkie hybrid with weird white stuff in the eye. I am not sure worms I’ve tried removing it with a q-tip (though it definitely looks like worms). It’s inside a membrane of some sort and I’m not sure how to remove the puss/possible worm/infection. My guess is a possible scratch of some...
  3. A

    Can You Determine These Silkies Genders? Please?

    Incubated January, Hatched January 30th 3 different Silkies Black, White, Calico (is what I was told) Am very curious on breed
  4. BlueHorse17

    Silkie gender? Cockerel?

    I’ve been bouncing back and forth with this Silkie in particular trying to decide it’s gender. It is 6 months old. I’m leaning towards cockerel but not 100% sure? No crowing, no eggs (figured too young regardless). It does “call” the others over whenever I feed them though, if that matters...
  5. M

    Sexing 7 week old Pekin bantam, Polish and silkie !!! Help!!!

    Hi everyone, This is my first time having chicks but we had a v.stubborn broody silkie so I twist DH arm into buying her some day old chicks (chickens for my chicken don’t count right) … I think I may have had worst luck and have all boys . They are 7 weeks old today. I’m hoping to still keep...
  6. Holdthechicken

    Blue silkie runt, is she a satin?

    Hi All, our little blue silkie chick was hatched 4/20 and is 4 weeks old, purchased at a feed store. She is clearly a runt and growing and feathering at an extremely slow pace, in the beginning I had to keep her warmer and feed her extra on the side. But my question is on her feathers, do I need...
  7. HopeTheMillie

    Unusual Blue Color on Showgirl Silkie Feet

    Hello! I just signed up to ask if anyone could possibly explain the unusual color of this little showgirl’s feet. I’ve never seen this blue anywhere but on some Silkie ears. It’s very vibrant and I don’t think my camera really captures it.
  8. dublinducks

    Three Silkie Roosters and One Silkie Cockerel For Sale - Ohio

    Three adult silkie roosters - One gorgeous gold partridge, one black with gold leakage, one black with a little white leakage. Just tightening up my breeding program and don't need them in it. I am unsure how old they are, I bought them as adults, but I would say the oldest would be about 2...
  9. BlueHorse17

    Silkie genders?

    Hi all! My friend sent me over some photos of their Silkies. Trying to guess gender for them. I’m thinking both splash are male, one buff is male (the one in the background), and one buff is female? They are 9 weeks old. These were the best photos they were able to get. Thoughts?
  10. M


    Hi, I am purchasing 3 baby Silkies and I have a few questions about how to raise them. I currently have a chicken coop with different types of Rocks an Easter Egger and a Brahma. If I put the Silkies in the same coop with those breeds will the Silkies get bullied? Also does anyone have any...
  11. hannahsocal

    Red Silkie Genetics? Buff vs Red Genetics?

    Hello! 😄 I’m planning on working on a line of red silkies. It seems like there is a lot of confusion out there on the red/buff genetics, so I’m HOPING (🙏🏼🙏🏼) someone can shed some more light on how it actually works. My limited understanding is that buff genes have red diluters and red genes...
  12. 1Crzychknlady

    10 week old silkie Pullet or cockerel?

    Our silkie, Ziggy, is 10 weeks old now! What are your thoughts?
  13. E

    Silkie….Hen or Roo?

    Can anyone tell me what I have here lol. Alice Cooper(Black) and Lucy (white).
  14. TheChickenFanatic

    Silkies: Pullet or Cockerel?

    I have two blue silkies that are almost 10 weeks old. Give me your best guesses as to what genders they are. BIRD #1 BIRD #2
  15. kendek

    converting catio to a coop?

    essentially i want to know if anyone else has attempted to make a premade catio into a coop before! id be housing 3 Silkies in my coop for context! i know a decent amount so far since ive worked with chickens previously and am familiar with bird care. im not sure how much chicken care varies...
  16. A

    7 week old silkie guesses?

    I know these guys are hard to sex, but any guesses? I honestly don’t have a clue lol
  17. A

    Mites or dusty/growing feathers ?

    Hi! This is a 2 week old silkie chick raised in an indoor brooder. I just took them off paper towels yesterday and noticed this as I was switching everything over. Is it mites or is it just dust and her (🤞🏻 ) feathers coming in? Also I brought them outside for the first time and noticed she...
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