
  1. Henora

    any experience w late eggs hatching?

    Hi! I had 5 of 6 incubator chicken eggs pip and hatch within 24 hrs on 'hatch day', which was this Friday. The chick inside peeped this morning but isn't pipping externally. What's the latest you had a 'last egg' pip and then hatch, or be alive and then die without pipping or without hatching?
  2. TesoroSena

    Your Daily Truth Serum!

    Hi guys and welcome! This message is your daily truth serum, and on this thread you must tell the truth! Anyone can ask anyone questions, about anything as long as it’s appropriate, and if you answer you have to answer with the absolute truth! You can also talk about anything you want, as long...
  3. Chicken poppy

    Early Risers Ranch

    Here i will share everything about my flock of chickens. I’ll be posting whatever happens , so i hope you decide to come along for the ride. Right now i have 7 chickens but I’m definitely going to upgrade the flock soon
  4. RadEggs

    Chicken Stories and Fables

    Share the best chicken fables and stories you know, and write your own!
  5. Grandma The Chicken

    School Stories and My Story About History

    I know what you're thinking. This is BYC. We talk about chickens, our family, and lots of other things. But sometimes, the fun has to stop. JUST KIDDING!:gig Here at BYC, we talk just about EVERYTHING on this website. This time, I was thinking if you could share your stories from when you were...
  6. PioneerChicks

    Any 2022 NaNoWriMo writers?

    This is my first year doing NaNoWriMo and I'm super excited! :celebrate Any other BYCers doing it this year? For those who don't know, National Novel Writing Month is where you write 50,000 words in a book in the month of November.
  7. beccabonny

    The new batch!

    Well, it’s been two years since the weasel incident that took 40 of my beautiful young quails from me. The survivors living in the hutch are aging out of producing eggs, so I decided it was time to add a new batch to the covey. I ordered 75 hatching eggs from Myshire: Pansy fee, SSC, and...
  8. S

    The Stories Of My Top 3 Favorite Birds

    I had 3 favorite birds, Nebbirr, King Fluffy and Pheonix. All of which died way too soon. Nebbirr was a Blue Slate Tom. He hatched in April, 2021. Dear Neb was the best turkey e.v.e.r. he would follow me around everywhere and was just like the sweetest puppy. Everytime I turned around he was...
  9. The chicken nurd

    My flock thread stories, pictures, and introduction to my flock

    I’ve decided to start a thread for my flock I’ve seen these around and wanted to start one although cannot promise to be very consistent with posting in it
  10. ALChickenDad

    Cluck My Life - A Memoir

    A thread to share my poultry life…
  11. -Flash-

    Mulberry Flock

    On this thread I'm going to post photos and tell stories about my 16 little chicks. I'll manly be doing it for my own purpose, to look back and laugh at the things babies do. But nether the less, feel free to post here too! I'll start from the very start... We brought the eggs online, 24 of...
  12. sweaterthebroodyrooster

    Strange Figures of Speeches

    What are some of the strangest, weirdest, funniest, craziest, and just plan Absurd figures of speeches/ sayings you have ever heard/ used? I’ll start, “Who pooped in your cornflakes?”
  13. PippinTheChicken

    Who's your best bird friend?

    We probably all have that sweet flock member who you love to death. Sometimes they even love you back. Who is your special boy/girl. Share stories, pics and inform us about your "baby". BIRDS/POULTRY ALLOWED ONLY!
  14. Dawnwolf1234

    Horse Talk Hangout!

    Hey horse lovers! Here’s a thread where you can ask your questions, share your horses, tell us your horse stories and more! You don’t have to own a horse to talk in this thread but please don’t get horses off the internet and say they are yours. Thanks and welcome!!
  15. Blue Raptor

    Post three funniest picture of one of your chickens you have!

    Have you caught one of your chickens doing something goofy? Post a pic, or tell us the story! This silly bird is an Australorp named Penguin. One of the kids buried her in dirt, and she didn’t mind! :gig:gig:gig
  16. My Pretty Pekins

    Because I Don't Like Chickens: Tales of My Flock

    I've wondered about starting a flock thread for a while now, after seeing and enjoying many others. So, in the hopes that just perhaps it will entertain someone else, I'm taking the plunge. (I know. That was dramatic.) We'll start from the start (how very logical, don't you think?) when my Dad...
  17. orloffer

    orloffer's Nest

    Welcome to orloffer's Nest! :frow orloffer's Nest is intended to be a kind and positive thread where BYC members can chat, share their poultry (and other pet/animal) photographs and stories, and share and discuss their hobbies and projects, &c. Anyone and everyone is invited to jump in! This...
  18. Chickeng1rl567

    Michigan Chickens: Stories of our Flock

    Hello! I have many fun stories of our backyard flock. We have 5 hens and 3 pullets right now. We’ve raised chickens for over 5 years now. Our flock has had many adventures, from notorious escapees to lost chickens, bullies, misplaced eggs and more! Let’s start by introducing 2 members of the...
  19. WhatTheDuckingDuck

    Welcome to Insanity!

    Welcome to my Madhouse! Please join me in the insanity and feel free to share your insane experiences! I’ll start off with by listing my “herd” * 50+ chickens egg chickens and meatbirds * 11 Ducks 1 pekin, 5 mallards, 5 khaki campbells * 4 Toulouse goslings, more eggs in the...
  20. Kale the Quail

    Which of your quail is your favourite? (stories!)

    hi i'm bored so :idunno also someone correct me if this is supposed to go in the game jokes and fun thread. So my favourite quail is probably Hazel because she is so sweet and she mostly loves people she's a silver tuxedo :) Story:pop: once another quail was sunbathing and hazel came over and...
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