tractor coop

  1. ChickenOfSpades

    Temporary chicken pen progress

    I'm building a temporary pen in a shady corner next to the house. It'll house our 4 chickens temporarily while I build them a bigger/better home, and ultimately I'll just use it as a chicken tractor. It's sort of inpired by this thing, but I made it a bit wider and taller...
  2. PithyPixel

    Nicely Designed Coop / Tractor Combo

  3. P

    Summer tractor design for 18 layers

    I'm looking for design help. We currently have a fixed coop, but I want to make a tractor so we can move our chickens around to greener pastures when it's warm enough. We will use electric poultry netting for the run (and let them free range when they're far enough away from the lead paint...)...
  4. C

    A-frame or Joel Salatin tractor coop

    Hi! I am making a tractor coop this weekend I bought material to make an A-frame with a raised coop with nesting boxes with a hinge that can be accessed from the outside. It’s going to be 6ft by 8ft the height is about 5ft so I will be able to go inside. My best friend is also making a tractor...
  5. Colleen2016

    Chickens Again!

    Three years ago we moved right across Canada from Victoria BC to Saint John NB. I could not take my beloved chickens with me so re-homed them with a friend of a friend that would love them as much as I. But was time went on I realized I missed my chickens, so this summer we broke down and went...
  6. Run to Outdoor Brooder Conversion

    Run to Outdoor Brooder Conversion

    The only accurate word to describe this build is "Rednecked" -- but that's fine because while I was born a Yankee, rural North Carolina is where I really belong. I was given a group of 4-week-old chicks who came with some equipment, including a coop that was a repurposed temporary run from...
  7. M

    Chicken coops in Vermont

    Hi there! We just got our first 8 chicks yesterday and I am working on planning our coop. We live in Vermont on 5 acres near Mt. Mansfield so it gets really cold and we have everything from fox to bear regularly in our yard. My biggest concern are bears. We have acreage but most of it is wooded...
  8. Low hoop coop chicken tractor PVC

    Low hoop coop chicken tractor PVC

    I built a low hoop coop that’s lightweight, inexpensive, and easy to move. Lots of photos below! 📸 It’s 8’wide x 10’ long x 3’ high at center. The arch uses seven 10’ 3/4” pvc arches and three 10’ 1/2” PVC for horizontal stabilization. The ends are wood built from free 2x2s and 1x3 i got...
  9. 4yearsofchickens

    Meat pheasants?

    I am thinking about raising meat chickens sometime in the future (not sure when yet) and my brother mentioned that he wants to grow meat that a thing? If so, could they be raised with my meat chickens? And what is their butchering age? Like, could they be butchered at the same...
  10. The Triangle Coop

    The Triangle Coop

    This was my first coop, made in 2012. It can comfortably hold six standard-sized chickens. We actually got this idea online, but I don't remember where. This one is pretty hard to measure and describe, but because I didn't take pictures during the construction, it will have to do. At first we...
  11. A-Frame coop tractor

    A-Frame coop tractor

    This is the a-frame chicken tractor my husband and father in law built. this is the link to the plans: We still have to add the wheels this weekend but its light enough i can move it every other day. We added a...
  12. T

    Eglu run bedding options?

    We have 5 Orpingtons in an eglu coop with run. We got the option with wheels to make it a tractor style thinking that if we moved it that our grass could survive... with a 1x/week move our grass is really struggling not to mention I don’t want their living conditions to be poor. I could use some...
  13. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Best methods for attaching wheels to a chicken tractor

    Hi, all. I'm going to build a chicken tractor in the near future. Probably a rickshaw looking thing with an elevated coop + a run that goes in front of and underneath the coop (something with a similar shape to this, probably...
  14. The Dangers of a Tractor-style Coop

    The Dangers of a Tractor-style Coop

    This was my flock before yesterday. Now I've got three dead chickens and two injured. If it had been predators, I could understand. If it had been my own mistake, I'd be upset but it would make sense. No, my chickens were killed by something simple and that we never saw coming. My...
  15. harmonychick

    Victor Scuttlebutt and Daisy on guard!

    Hi, I am Tammy aka harmonychick, We live on acreage but the predator birds are getting our ducks and chickens almost weekly. I am now looking for year-round chicken tractors to make and pull around daily. Since we live where there is snow and high heat they need to be versatile and safe. Any...
  16. seaduds

    Coop plus tractor with laying boxes?

    Hello! I'm planning to purchase 6-8 chicks in the next month or so and have questions about my potential home for them. A friend of mine has an unused coop kit that he's gifting me in exchange for eggs in the future, which is convenient. I'd love to let the chickens free-range (as the previous...
  17. Chris_HV_NY

    Help? Levered wheels for chicken tractor

    Hi, I will be building a tractor in a couple of months and my biggest concern is how to add two wheels with a lever to raise or lower the wheels to the back end so I can move the tractor about more easily. I have a couple of acres around the house and horse pasture in which I can move the...
  18. thecreekhouse

    Tour my Tennessee coop (semi permanent tractor) and run

    I enjoy touring other BYC members’ coops and runs so thought I’d share mine. I live in East TN, in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains. I currently have four pullets: a giant Cochin, a white Silkie, an Olive Egger (BC Marans x Ameracauna) and an Ameracauna. My coop (tractor)was built by...
  19. K

    Hardware cloth floor in Pacific Northwest?

    I'm looking at designs for chicken tractors, and want to make something mobile and suitable for laying hens which I don’t have to muck out. Does anyone have any experience in using hardware cloth floors in cold/wet climates? I’m thinking a Suscovich style tractor with a raised and enclosed...
  20. Ms Biddy's Upcycled Swingset Coop

    Ms Biddy's Upcycled Swingset Coop

    Years ago, I helped my uncle put together a wooden swingset for my aunt. It was a place to sit together, relax and laugh. We enjoyed it for over a decade until time and the elements took their toll and the thinner boards on the seats began to rot and crack. My aunt and uncle aren't with us...
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